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ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Review Article

Advances in Research on Tool Wear Online Monitoring Method

Author(s): Xitong Wu, Guohe Li*, Zhihua Shao, Weijun Liu and Ganzhong Ma

Volume 18, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 13 September, 2023

Article ID: e100723218612 Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230710161401

Price: $65


Background: With the continued advancement of industrial internet technology, mechanical manufacturing is increasingly developing towards automation and intelligence. As a result, monitoring the manufacturing process has become an essential requirement for intelligent manufacturing. As one of the fundamental components of cutting processes, tools are inevitably subject to wear and damage during use. Therefore, tool wear monitoring plays a crucial role in modern manufacturing.

Introduction: With the development of the manufacturing industry, the requirement for automation manufacturing is higher and higher. In the process of automatic processing, unmanned processing and adaptive processing, it is not only required to be able to know the accurate wear state of the tool in the process real-time but also required to change the milling parameters according to the wear state of the tool, in order to optimize the productivity and processing quality. The tool monitoring system can effectively reduce the operating cost of workshop production and improve the reliability of intelligent workshop and flexible production lines.

Method: This article summarizes commonly used online monitoring methods mentioned by articles and patents, such as cutting force, vibration, acoustic emission, temperature, current, and power signals. Each monitoring method is analyzed in terms of its principles, advantages and disadvantages, signal acquisition equipment, and research status. The article also identifies current issues and future development directions.

Results: As modern manufacturing technology continues to develop rapidly, unmanned factories have become a significant feature of the manufacturing industry. Consequently, the need for tool wear condition monitoring technology is becoming increasingly urgent. Although tool condition monitoring technology has made significant progress over the past twenty years and has been applied in actual production, several issues need to be addressed to make tool wear condition monitoring systems mo.

Conclusion: This serves as a reference for theoretical research and application of online monitoring of tool wear in intelligent manufacturing systems.

Graphical Abstract

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