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Recent Patents on Engineering


ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Research Article

Development of an Anti-rollover Warning and Active Intervention Controller for Wheeled Tractor

Author(s): Jie Gao, Chengqiang Yin* and Guanhao Yuan

Volume 18, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 31 August, 2023

Article ID: e260623218261 Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230626125301

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Background: Tractor rollover accidents are the most severe problem in agricultural production. According to the statistical analysis of the rollover incidents, some rollover accidents can be avoided by timely anti-rollover warning and active control. There are a few researches on the anti-rollover control for agricultural tractors, although great progress in the research on tractor security has been achieved, such as rollover protective structure design.

Objective: The purpose of this patent study was to develop a controller with the function of warning as well as active anti-rollover control employing the power motor installed on the steering column to adjust the front wheel angle and control the rollover index within the safety range.

Methodology: The structure block for the hardware of the controller was devised that included data obtaining, rollover risk estimation, rollover warning, and front-wheel steering control sections. The main circuits have been designed in detail by adopting module methods, such as motor control circuit, positioning and transmission circuit, etc. The control scheme has been demonstrated by designing an overview of the overall architecture, including rollover indicator calculation, load transfer ratio (LTR) controller design, and front-wheel steering angle tracking controller design. C language has been used to accomplish the software design.

Results: The active anti-rollover controller can calculate and keep the LTR within the stable range by adjusting the front wheel angle in real-time. The fast response and smoothness of the results demonstrate that the controller can fulfill the designed function.

Conclusion: The developed controller can meet the control requirement due to several advantageous aspects, such as reliability, effectiveness, and practicability. It is prospective for the developed controller to provide a valuable reference to reduce tractor rollover accidents.

Graphical Abstract

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