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Recent Patents on Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1872-2083
ISSN (Online): 2212-4012

Review Article

Intellectual Property Rights: Protection of Biotechnological Inventions in India

Author(s): Virendra Gomase*, Kiran Kemkar and Vaishali Potnis

Volume 18, Issue 2, 2024

Published on: 22 June, 2023

Page: [128 - 143] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1872208317666230612145600

Price: $65


The current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) framework supports the commercialization of seed improvement, monoculture, and the patent protection of novel plant varieties, microorganisms, and genetically modified animals. As a consequence, our rich biogenetic diversity is irreversibly dissipating. However, we need to figure out how to create a methodology for elective choices that will achieve harmony between the official Intellectual Property (IP) structure and maintainable biodiversity components. The majority of the biotechnology sector's programmes in India are managed by the Department of Biotechnology. It is under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Its goals are to provide services in the fields of study, infrastructure, human resource development, biotechnology popularisation, industry promotion, and establishment of centres of excellence. Implementation of practise biosafety regulations for genetically modified organisms, recombinant DNA products, and programmes is based on biotechnology for the good of society. This creates an information network for India's bioinformatics mission in the local, national, and worldwide scientific community.

Graphical Abstract

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