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Current Indian Science


ISSN (Print): 2210-299X
ISSN (Online): 2210-3007

Mini-Review Article

A Review on Gastroprotective Mechanisms and their Augmentation by External Agents

Author(s): Poonam Sharma and Shweta Agarwal*

Volume 1, 2023

Published on: 01 August, 2023

Article ID: e220523217196 Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/2210299X01666230522145303



The oral route is the most typical way to provide medication due to its benefits, including non-invasiveness, patient compliance, and ease of medication delivery. One of the most often recommended pharmacological groups for the treatment of pain and inflammatory disease is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. However, the major side effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines is PUD (peptic ulcer disease). An imbalance in the action of gastroprotective and aggressive agents causes gastric ulcers. Gastroprotective mechanisms include the mucus layer, mucosal repair capacity, gastric epithelium, and gastric blood flow. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on gastroprotective mechanisms. As discussed, mucin acts as a filter, and gastric epithelial defenses include the cell barrier, stem cells, and a sensor on the mucosal surface.

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