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ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Patent News

Solid and Homogeneous Thermal Wall of Cored Lightweight Concrete Blocks Solidarized in situ

Author(s): Lino Maia*

Volume 18, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 19 July, 2023

Article ID: e030523216490 Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230503151757


The exterior walls of buildings play a major role in the road for a near-zero energy building. Nowadays, in Portugal, the ETICS system is the most used technology to ensure the thermal insulation of exterior walls of buildings. However, the ETICS system has low resistance to impacts and requires a self-supporting sheet of wall, among other disadvantages. Here, the concept of new technology for exterior walls of residential and commercial buildings is presented. It consists of a hybrid technology for the easy and quick execution of a single sheet wall, which may provide high thermal efficiency for buildings. This hybrid technology relates to parallelepipedshaped cored lightweight concrete blocks comprising two parallel sides separated by one or more solid connectors in which the connectors allow the filling of the block core with lightweight concrete. No bed or head joints are used to connect the blocks because the wall made of cored blocks gets solid and homogeneous when filled with lightweight concrete. When the block thickness is 30 cm and the thermal conductivity of the lightweight concrete is lower than 0.09 W/m.ºC, in Portugal, this type of exterior wall does not require the application of extra thermal insulation materials.

Graphical Abstract

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