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Current Protein & Peptide Science


ISSN (Print): 1389-2037
ISSN (Online): 1875-5550

Review Article

Advantages of Self-assembled Nano Peptide Hydrogels in Biological Tissue Engineering

Author(s): Ailing Tian, Junshuai Xue and Nianfeng Sun*

Volume 23, Issue 6, 2022

Published on: 26 August, 2022

Page: [395 - 401] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1389203723666220617093402

Price: $65


With the development of tissue engineering research, biological scaffolds have been widely studied and applied in the field of regenerative medicine. Self-assembling nanopeptide hydrogels have good biocompatibility, and their seed cells can be used for their biological activities and have no toxic side effects. The products can be absorbed and degraded by the organism and have great advantages in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Studies have shown that the self-assembled nano peptide hydrogel and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) mixed solution are "biological ink". 3D related biological printing technology can be used to print related tissue models and induce ADMSCs to differentiate into blood vessels. It is further illustrated that the use of self-assembled nano peptide hydrogel scaffolds to load stem cells has a good application prospect in stem cell transplantation and 3D biological printing.

Keywords: Self-assembled nano peptide hydrogels, biological scaffolds, stem cell 3D biological printing technology, biological tissue engineering, seed cells, tissue engineering research.

Graphical Abstract

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