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Current Applied Polymer Science


ISSN (Print): 2452-2716
ISSN (Online): 2452-2724

Research Article

Exploration of Physicochemical Parameters of Natural Origin Polymers

Author(s): Chaitrali M. Bidikar and Poonam R Inamdar*

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2021

Published on: 28 September, 2021

Page: [210 - 216] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2452271604666210928120716

Price: $65


Background: Natural polymers are fascinating category of small chain molecules originating from natural resources, and few examples include Sodium Alginate and Xanthan Gum which are water-soluble in nature; used for mainly food packaging, biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. In the proposed research work, an effort was made to overcome the polymer challenges emerging from the development of polymer blends, as the miscibility between polymers is a vital aspect.

Objective: This work focuses on the miscibility studies of natural origin polymers. In regards to that, Sodium Alginate/ Xanthan Gum blends were prepared in variable concentrations in aqueous medium and it was utilized for viscosity analysis, FTIR, Ultraviolet spectroscopic studies at variable temperatures.

Methods: It was observed that the developed Sodium Alginate / Xanthan Gum blends are miscible with each other at most of the temperatures (at 20°C, 40°C and 60°C) considering their viscosity parameters, FTIR and UV spectral data.

Results: Viscosity studies revealed that the miscibility windows of polymeric ratio increases as the temperature increases whereas FTIR spectral patterns exhibited that the composition having 60:40 ratio of polymers exhibits high intensity stretches and represented to be miscible when compared to other combinations.

Conclusion: The present study has reported the simple and efficient method in exploration of the miscibility windows of Sodium alginate and Xanthan gum blend.

Keywords: Natural polymers, miscibility, sodium alginate, xanthan sodium, polymers, bacterium.

Graphical Abstract

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