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Current Organic Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1385-2728
ISSN (Online): 1875-5348

Review Article

Oxidized Polysaccharides as Green and Sustainable Biomaterials

Author(s): Kazuaki Matsumura* and Robin Rajan

Volume 25, Issue 13, 2021

Published on: 28 April, 2021

Page: [1483 - 1496] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1385272825666210428140052

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Polysaccharide-based materials have been widely used as the first-choice candidates for various applications, especially in the field of biomaterials. The primary reasons for this are the sustainable nature of these materials and their high bioavailability. Their ability to be easily chemically modified enables them to be utilized in various avenues, with oxidation of the backbone being one of the most common chemical modifications. Additionally, these materials degrade via different pathways (enzymatically and chemically) and are hence ideal candidates for biomedical applications. This review summarizes the recent progress made with different oxidized polysaccharides and their potential applications to the field of biomaterials.

Keywords: Polysaccharides, biodegradation, carbohydrate polymers, schiff base, sustainable, biomaterials.

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