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Current Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 0929-8673
ISSN (Online): 1875-533X

Review Article

EndMT: Potential Target of H2S against Atherosclerosis

Author(s): Hui-Ting Liu, Zhi-Xiang Zhou, Zhong Ren, Sai Yang, Lu-Shan Liu, Zuo Wang, Dang-Heng Wei, Xiao-Feng Ma, Yun Ma and Zhi-Sheng Jiang*

Volume 28, Issue 18, 2021

Published on: 16 November, 2020

Page: [3666 - 3680] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/0929867327999201116194634

Price: $65


Atherosclerosis is a chronic arterial wall illness that forms atherosclerotic plaques within the arteries. Plaque formation and endothelial dysfunction are atherosclerosis' characteristics. It is believed that the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis mainly include endothelial cell damage, lipoprotein deposition, inflammation and fibrous cap formation, but its molecular mechanism has not been elucidated. Therefore, protecting the vascular endothelium from damage is one of the key factors against atherosclerosis. The factors and processes involved in vascular endothelial injury are complex. Finding out the key factors and mechanisms of atherosclerosis caused by vascular endothelial injury is an important target for reversing and preventing atherosclerosis. Changes in cell adhesion are the early characteristics of EndMT, and cell adhesion is related to vascular endothelial injury and atherosclerosis. Recent researches have exhibited that endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) can urge atherosclerosis' progress, and it is expected that inhibition of EndMT will be an object for anti-atherosclerosis. We speculate whether inhibition of EndMT can become an effective target for reversing atherosclerosis by improving cell adhesion changes and vascular endothelial injury. Studies have shown that H2S has a strong cardiovascular protective effect. As H2S has anti- inflammatory, anti-oxidant, inhibiting foam cell formation, regulating ion channels and enhancing cell adhesion and endothelial functions, the current research on H2S in cardiovascular aspects is increasing, but anti-atherosclerosis's molecular mechanism and the function of H2S in EndMT have not been explicit. In order to explore the mechanism of H2S against atherosclerosis, to find an effective target to reverse atherosclerosis, we sum up the progress of EndMT promoting atherosclerosis, and Hydrogen sulfide's potential anti- EndMT effect is discussed in this review.

Keywords: H2S, atherosclerosis, endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT), plaque formation, endothelial dysfunction, cardiovascular protective effect.

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