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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1389-2010
ISSN (Online): 1873-4316

Review Article

Current Prospects of Nutraceuticals: A Review

Author(s): Vedant Sachdeva, Arpita Roy and Navneeta Bharadvaja*

Volume 21, Issue 10, 2020

Page: [884 - 896] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1389201021666200130113441

Price: $65


Nutraceuticals are dietary supplements, utilized to ameliorate health, delay senescence, prevent diseases, and support the proper functioning of the human body. Currently, nutraceuticals are gaining substantial attention due to nutrition and therapeutic potentials. Based on their sources, they are categorized as dietary supplements and herbal bioactive compounds. The global market for nutraceutical is huge i.e. approximately USD 117 billion. Herbal nutraceutical helps in maintaining health and promoting optimal health, longevity, and quality of life. Studies have shown promising results of nutraceuticals to treat several diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. In the present review, an overview of various bioactive ingredients that act as nutraceuticals (carbohydrates, lipids, edible flowers, alkaloids, medicinal plants, etc.) and their role in health benefits, has been discussed. Further application of nutraceuticals in the prevention of various diseases has also been discussed.

Keywords: Nutraceutical, source, medicinal plants, cancer, application, diabetes.

Graphical Abstract

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