Spices were some of the most valuable items of trade in the ancient and medieval world. Herbalist and folk practitioners have used plant remedies for centuries, but only recently have scientist begun to study the powers of common herbs and spices. In the current set-up, the anti-proliferative, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-diabetic, antiinflammatory effects of spices have overriding importance, as the key health concern of mankind nowadays is diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, arthritis and cancer. Spices or their active compounds could be used as possible ameliorative or preventive agents for these health disorders. Spices are rich in antioxidants, and scientific studies suggest that they are also potent inhibitors of tissue damage and inflammation caused by high levels of blood sugar and circulating lipids. Because spices have very low calorie content and are relatively inexpensive, they are reliable sources of antioxidants and other potential bioactive compounds in diet. This review outlines the role of some spices used in the Indian kitchen for its flavour and taste which are potential to maintain a healthy heart.
Keywords: Spices, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, anti-hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, monographs, cardamom seed, skyrocketed, antiatherosclerotic, antiarthritic, Alliacae family, Ayurvedic medicine, prevent lipid peroxidation, fibrinolytic effects, Chinese medicines, cardiotoxicity, helminthiasis, sesquiphellandrene, curcurmene, galanolactone, zingerone, geraniol, gingerglycolipids, Antimicrobial, anti-atherogenicity, lipid peroxidation, phosphatases, family Laura-ceae, cinnamaldehyde, transcriptional factors, hypolipidemic action, antiplatelet activity, cholesterol-rich, heterogeneous, antioxidants