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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Research Article

Hybrid Imaging in Evaluation of Abdominal Sarcoidosis

Author(s): Isidora Grozdic Milojevic*, Dragana Sobic-Saranovic, Nebojsa Petrovic, Slobodanka Beatovic, Marijana Tadic and Vera M. Artiko

Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019

Page: [26 - 31] Pages: 6

DOI: 10.2174/1573405614666180531111616

Price: $65


Objective: To determine the prevalence of abdominal involvement, distribution pattern and evaluate role of hybrid molecular imaging in patients with abdominal sarcoidosis.

Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2011, 98 patients with chronic sarcoidosis and presence of prolonged symptoms or other findings suggestive of active disease were referred to FDG PET/CT examination. Active disease was found in 82 patients, and they all were screened for the presence of abdominal sarcoidosis on FDG PET/CT. All patients also underwent MDCT and assessment of serum ACE level. Follow up FDG PET/CT examination was done 12.3±5.4 months after the baseline.

Results: Abdominal sarcoidosis was present in 31/82 patients with active sarcoidosis. FDG uptake was present in: retroperitoneal lymph nodes (77%), liver (26%), spleen (23%), adrenal gland (3%). Majority of patients had more than two locations of disease. Usually thoracic disease was spread into the extrathoracic localizations, while isolated abdominal sarcoidosis was present in 10% of patients. After first FDG PET/CT examination therapy was changed in all patients. Eleven patients came to the follow up examination where SUVmax significantly decreased in the majority of them. Three patients had total remission, three had absence of abdominal disease but discrete findings in thorax and others had less spread disease. ACE levels did not correlate with SUVmax level.

Conclusion: FDG PET/CT can be a useful tool for detection of abdominal sarcoidosis and in the evaluation of therapy response in these patients. Awareness of the presence of intra-abdominal sarcoidosis is important in order to prevent long-standing unrecognized disease.

Keywords: FDG PET/CT, chronic sarcoidosis, abdominal sarcoidosis, SUVmax, ACE, patients.

Graphical Abstract

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