Kinins are important vasoactive peptides, but the role of the B1 receptor subtype in the vascular control is poorly understood. This study analyzed the nitric oxide (NO) release, L-arginine (L-Arg) uptake and the expression of the cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) -1 in endothelial cells obtained from B1 receptor knockout (B1-/-) and wild type (WT) mice. NO production was assessed through a fluorescent dye in living cells stimulated with acetylcholine. L-Arg uptake was determined indirectly in the culture medium by HPLC, in the presence or absence of the CAT-1 blocker N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). CAT-1 mRNA levels and protein expression were determined by qPCR and western blot, respectively. NO release was significantly reduced in B1-/- when compared to WT cells. This result was accompanied by a decreased rate in the L-Arg uptake by B1-/- cells. Incubation with NEM impaired the L-Arg uptake in WT, but had no effect in B1-/- cells. Protein expression and mRNA levels for CAT-1 were reduced in B1-/- in comparison to WT cells. These findings suggest an important role of the endothelial B1 receptor in the vascular control by interfering with CAT-1 expression, L-Arg uptake and NO release
Keywords: B1 receptor, endothelial cells, L-arginine, CAT-1, nitric oxide, knockout mice.
Protein & Peptide Letters
Title:L-Arginine Transport and Nitric Oxide Production in Kinin Receptor B1-/- Endothelial Cells.
Volume: 22 Issue: 12
Author(s): Renato C. Tudela, Rodrigo A. Loiola, Tathiany C. Torres, Noemi L. Gil, Nilson A. Assunção, Samuel M.R. de Noronha, Silvana A. Correa-Noronha, Richardt G. Landgraf and Liliam Fernandes
Keywords: B1 receptor, endothelial cells, L-arginine, CAT-1, nitric oxide, knockout mice.
Abstract: Kinins are important vasoactive peptides, but the role of the B1 receptor subtype in the vascular control is poorly understood. This study analyzed the nitric oxide (NO) release, L-arginine (L-Arg) uptake and the expression of the cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) -1 in endothelial cells obtained from B1 receptor knockout (B1-/-) and wild type (WT) mice. NO production was assessed through a fluorescent dye in living cells stimulated with acetylcholine. L-Arg uptake was determined indirectly in the culture medium by HPLC, in the presence or absence of the CAT-1 blocker N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). CAT-1 mRNA levels and protein expression were determined by qPCR and western blot, respectively. NO release was significantly reduced in B1-/- when compared to WT cells. This result was accompanied by a decreased rate in the L-Arg uptake by B1-/- cells. Incubation with NEM impaired the L-Arg uptake in WT, but had no effect in B1-/- cells. Protein expression and mRNA levels for CAT-1 were reduced in B1-/- in comparison to WT cells. These findings suggest an important role of the endothelial B1 receptor in the vascular control by interfering with CAT-1 expression, L-Arg uptake and NO release
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Tudela C. Renato, Loiola A. Rodrigo, Torres C. Tathiany, Gil L. Noemi, Assunção A. Nilson, de Noronha M.R. Samuel, Correa-Noronha A. Silvana, Landgraf G. Richardt and Fernandes Liliam, L-Arginine Transport and Nitric Oxide Production in Kinin Receptor B1-/- Endothelial Cells. , Protein & Peptide Letters 2015; 22 (12) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/0929866522666151008151422
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/0929866522666151008151422 |
Print ISSN 0929-8665 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |
Online ISSN 1875-5305 |
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