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Current Cancer Therapy Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3947
ISSN (Online): 1875-6301

Targeted Therapy for Glioblastoma: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

Author(s): Nicole A Shonka, Suprit Gupta and Pankaj K. Singh

Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015

Page: [44 - 58] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/157339471101150706122425

Price: $65


Glioblastoma is the most common adult malignant primary brain tumor, and carries a dismal prognosis. After initial standard radiation therapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide, few standard chemotherapy options are available. In the last two decades, a growing understanding of molecular pathogenesis of glioblastoma has turned our focus toward targeted therapy. This review will discuss our current understanding of gliomagenesis and highlight the clinical attempts to manipulate these vital pathways, describing past and current studies, and future directions.

Keywords: Cell signaling, glioblastoma, gliomagenesis, monoclonal antibodies, targeted therapy, tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

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