With technological improvements in transducer technology and signal processing, breast sonography has become an essential modality in breast imaging. Technical advances aiming to improve the sensitivity and specificity of sonographic evaluation are still ungoing, and most of these advances are available for clinical use, while some are not yet ready for clinical application.
In this article, recently published studies and patents reporting promising results using tissue harmonic imaging, compound imaging, extended field-of-view imaging, Doppler sonography, contrast-enhanced sonography, elastography, shearwave elastography, computer-aided diagnosis, automated-3D sonography, semi-automated scanning ultrasound device integrated with a digital breast tomosynthesis system, ultrasound computed tomography system and real-time virtual sonography with image fusion will be reviewed.
Keywords: Automated-3D ultrasound, breast imaging, compound sonography, computer-aided diagnosis, contrast-enhanced sonography, Doppler sonography, elastography, Extended field-of-view imaging (EFV), signal processing, Tissue harmonic imaging (THI), transducer technology.