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Current Radiopharmaceuticals

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Impact Factor: 1.5

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Volume 17 , Issues 4, 2024

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Institutional Members

Editorial Board

A. Ciarmiello S. Andrea Hospital La Spezia, Italy
Luigi Mansi Second University of Naples Naples Italy
Associate Editor(s)
G.L. Cascini University of Catanzaro Catanzaro, Italy
V. Cuccurullo Second University of Naples Naples, Italy
F. Doll� CEA, Institut des sciences du vivant Fr�d�ric Joliot Saclay France
P.A. Erba University of Pisa Medical School Pisa, Italy
L. Evangelista Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Unit Padova, Italy
M. Marengo University of Bologna Bologna, Italy
Giancarlo Pascali
Doina Piciu
Regional Editor(s)
N. Avril University Hospitals Case Medical Center Cleveland, OH USA
S. Balogova Comenius University & St Elisabeth oncologic institute Bratislava, Slovakia
R.N. Krasikova The Radiochemistry lab N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Science Saint Petersburg Russia
Editorial Board Member(s)
Pierpaolo Alongi Nuclear Medicine Unit Institute Foundation G.Giglio Cefal Italy
Pillai R. A. Ambikalmajan Department of Nuclear Medicine Molecular Group of Companies Kerala, India
N. Belcari University of Pisa and INFN Pisa Pisa, Italy
Francesco Bertagna Nuclear Medicine Unit, Department of Diagnostic Imaging of Spedali Civili Hospital
ASST-Spedali Civil
Stefano Boschi Department of nuclear medicine S.Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital Bologna, Italy
B.B. Chin Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC USA
A. Duatti International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria
stefano Fanti Department of experimental, diagnostic and speciality medicine University of Bologna Bologna Italy
M. Farsad San Maurizio Hospital Bolzano, Italy
Caobelli Federico Department of Clinic of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine University of Basel Basel Switzerland
P.K. Garg Wake Forest University Health Sciences Winston Salem, NC USA
V. Garibotto Geneva University and Geneva University Hospitals Geneva, Switzerland
Anthony Gee PET and Radiotracer Development GSK & Hammersmith Hospital London, UK
B. Gu�rin Département de médecine nucléaire et de radiobiologie Universit� de Sherbrooke Quebec Canada
L. Guerra Department of Nuclear Medicine San Gerardo Hospital, University of Milano Bicocca Monza Italy
G. Hao UT Southwestern Medical Center TX, USA
Hideo Saji Department of Patho-Functional Bioanalysis
Kyoto University
Andrew G Horti Department of Radiology and Radiological Science
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Sayed J. Hosseinimehr Department of Radiopharmacy
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
H. Huang Yale University New Haven, CT USA
Roberto Iezzi Department of radiological sciences of the policlinico Catholic University Rome Italy
Elena Incerti Incerti, Elena San Raffaele Scientific Institute Unit of Nuclear Medicine and Pet Center Milan Italy
Luca Indovina Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Oncological Radiotherapy and Hematology Agostino Gemelli University Policlinic Rome Italy
Amir R. Jalilian Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna Austria
Kairemo kalevi Department of Molecular Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine International Comprehensive Cancer Center Docrates Helsinki Finland
Langen Karl-Josef Department of Clinical and Experimental Nuclear Medicine Forschungszentrum Julich Julich Germany
Sean L. Kitson Department of Biocatalysis and Isotope Chemistry Almac Sciences, Almac House Craigavon, Northern Ireland
Russ F.Knapp Jr. Nuclear Medicine Program Emeritus Corporate Research Fellow Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL Oak Ridge, USA
Piyush Kumar
B. L�ngstr�m Department of Chemistry Uppsala University Imanet, Sweden
R.H. Larsen The Norwegian Radium Hospital Oslo, Norway
A. Mahmood Harvard Medical School Boston, MA USA
P. Mapelli IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute Milan Italy
Josep M. Marti-Climent Department of Oncology Clinica Universidad de Navarra Pamplona Spain
M.K. Pandey Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science Rochester, MN USA
Pouget Pierre Jean Department of Radiation Biology IRCM Montpellier, France
N. Ramamoorthy International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria
Pier Francesco Rambaldi Department of Radiology Nuclear Medicine Second University of Naples Naples, Italy
Haladhar D. Sarma Radiation Biology and Health Sciences Division Experimental Animal Facility & Radioisotope Laboratory Mumbai India
Schlyer J. David Department of Biosciences Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY USA
P. Scott University of Michigan Medical School MI, USA
Sestini Sestini Nuclear Medicine Unit NOP S. Stefano Azienda USL Toscana Centro Prato, Italy
M. Spadafora S.G. Moscati Hospital Avellino, Italy
A.C. Spivey Imperial College London London, UK
Tian haibin Department of oncologic sciences University of South Florida Tampa, FL USA
Giorgio Treglia Division of Nuclear Medicine
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale
Giuseppe De Vincentis Department of Radiological, Oncological and Pathological Sciences
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Associate Editorial Board Member