Intrinsic Chemistry of Melanin: Potential Approaches for Translational Medicine
Page: 1-50 (50)
Author: Arturo Solís-Herrera and Sergey Suchkov
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010004
PDF Price: $30
Although the cell has been studied carefully, but its complexity exceeds the capacity for abstraction. However, it is believed that the findings about the intrinsic property of melanin to transform light into chemical energy through dissociating and re-forming the water molecule, which has not been previously known, marks a before and after in the knowledge regarding the cell-functioning. Thus, this current knowledge redirect towards a more effective way of practicing medicine that invloves both cure and prevention.
The Cell Bioenergetics Pathways Beyond Glucose and Mitochondria and the Intrinsic Chemistry of Melanin
Page: 51-73 (23)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera, María del Carmen Arias Esparza, Ruth I. Solís Arias, Paola E. Solís Arias and Martha P. Solís Arias
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010005
PDF Price: $30
What if glucose was not a source of energy? Glucose is a very important metabolic intermediate and has a fundamental structural role. The function of the saccharides as source of biomass by excellence in our body is out of discussion, but not more than a source of energy. The unraveling of the intrinsic property of melanin to transform light energy into chemical energy through dissociation of water molecule radically changes our old belief that our body is able to obtain biomass and energy from the same molecule. A proof that our body and evolution has handled glucose (carbon chains) from the beginning of time can be found in the fact that the surfaces of all cells in all organisms are decorated with a dense and complex array of sugar chains. The biosynthesis, structure and function of glycans not only in the present but also throughout the evolution depend entirely on adequate levels of available chemical energy, so each and every single transformation that occurs in the glucose molecule can be carried out. Therefore, the form and function of living organisms are mainly determined by the distribution of energy, and in the same way also determines the geometry of the universe.
Water of the Cephalous Spinal Fluid- The Main Source of Energy of the Central Nervous System
Page: 74-88 (15)
Author: Arturo Solís-Herrera, Graciela Landín-Miranda, Ruth I. Solís-Arias, Paola E. Solís-Arias, Martha P. Solís-Arias and María del Carmen Arias Esparza
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010006
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Until today it seems such an irrefutable fact that the main source of energy of the Central Nervous System is the blood vessels. However, the bloodstream itself cannot transport energy, at most only carries substances that eventually take part in endergonic reactions. We found after twelve years of continued studies about the three major causes of blindness that glucose is just a source of biomass; the role of glycan in the living organism is highly complex but only as provision of essential metabolic intermediates, and not as energy provider. Our awe-inspiring finding was that any cell in our body, independent of its function, needs water not only as a solvent or vehicle, but as a fundamental chemical energy source. The explanation of how a eukaryotic cell could dissociate or break the water at room temperature in order to get energy is also amazing: Melanin is to the animal kingdom as chlorophyll is to the plant kingdom. Both substances split, dissociate or break the water molecule. As an analog, we appointed it as human photosynthesis. The pharmacologic modulation of human photosynthesis or the capacity of human body to transform light into chemical energy, offers an opportunity to open new and very efficient ways to treat several diseases representing an important area of study in the epidemiological point of view.
The Unsuspected Intrinsic Property of Respiratory Pigments to Dissociate, Irreversible, the Water Molecule
Page: 89-109 (21)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010007
PDF Price: $30
According to current dogma, the oxygen that enters in the organism through exchange places with the external environment, must reach out to all cells of the body; which implies important energy expenditure, and must also do so at a speed proportional to the metabolic demands of tissues. It is a deeply rooted dogma that molecules classified as respiratory pigments have merely a passive role as carriers of oxygen. Our finding of the inherent property of melanin to transform light energy into chemical energy through the dissociation of the water molecule, as chlorophyll in plants; will mark a before and after in the concept of respiration, with enough universal validity to be a new ground rule in Biology. Melanin can dissociate and re-form the water molecule. Respiratory Pigments can dissociate, irreversible the water molecule. The association between respiratory pigments and high levels of oxygen, is due to the constant dissociation of the water molecule inside the respiratory pigment, more than a passive role in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
The Source of Energy of the Nucleus in Eukaryotic Cell is Molecular Hydrogen and High Energy Electrons
Page: 110-121 (12)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera, Arias Esparza, María del Carmen, Solís Arias Ruth I, Solís Arias Paola E and Solís Arias Martha P
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010008
PDF Price: $30
Until today it is a widely disseminated belief that the main source of energy of eukaryotic cell is ATP. Those means that the daily intake of food is transformed into phosphate´s compounds of high energy as ATP and GTP. Supposedly this metabolic pathway is enough for 95% of our energy´s needs. However, our work about the three main causes of blindness in Mexico, taught us an astonishing fact: 99% of the energy of human retina comes from water. Furthermore, the explanation is amazing: human body has a photo-system composed by light-melanin-water (in order of abundance in the universe) with the extraordinary capacity of uses water as source of electrons.
Mental Illness, Alterations in Ventricle Size, and Human Photosynthesis®
Page: 122-134 (13)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera, María del Carmen Arias Esparza, Ruth Isabel Solís Arias, Paola Eugenia Solís Arias and Martha Patricia Solís Arias
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010009
PDF Price: $30
This paper addresses the actual role of CSF in the physiology and ethiopathogeny of mental disorders as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. Several decades ago the observation that the enlargement of ventricular size was associated with a clinical diagnosis of schizoaffective illness was reported [1] by first time. Changes in the volume of the cerebral ventricles and therefore the content of the liquid cephalous spinal far beyond the daily physiological variations, are already known in mental disorders, but have only been to date more a curious object of in-depth studies for various reasons. Usually it pays more attention to alterations of the nervous tissue in which volumetric changes are observed in the ventricles. The finding that the melanin molecule has the amazing ability to transform light energy into chemical energy through the dissociation of the molecule of water, such as chlorophyll in plants; the old dogma that the source of energy of the Central nervous system (CNS) is through blood vessels break into a thousand pieces. We now know that the real source of energy of the CNS is the visible and invisible light and the transducer per excellence is melanin, and whose perfect substrate is water. It is, therefore, that the CNS of all mammals has a repeating pattern invariably to be coated inside and out by the CSF that is 99% water, which ensures that the energy substrate source, water for all practical purposes, is constantly in contact with neurons. The brain caesuras allow water getting as much as possible to the most recondite places of the brain. Thereby the source of energy of CNS are the ventricles and subarachnoid space, therefore, the changes in volumetric characteristics of this anatomic regions must be interpreted as significant alterations in generation and distribution of chemical energy.
Age-related Macular Degeneration, the Alzheimers Disease of the Eye and the Intrinsic Property of Melanin to Transform Light Power into Chemical Energy
Page: 135-166 (32)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera, Ruth I. Solís-Arias, Paola E. Solís-Arias and Martha P. Solís-Arias
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010010
PDF Price: $30
Background: Age is a common risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). In addition to age as a risk factor, AD and AMD share several pathological hallmarks including β-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation, oxidative stress, and apoptotic cell death. An important characteristic common to both diseases is the presence of amyloid β (Aβ) in the senile plaques of the AD brain and in the drusen of AMD patients. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the first cause of blindness in cold countries since five decades ago or more among people 55 years of age or older. According to one estimate in 2006, 29% of the United States population, 75 years of age and older, has signs of AMD [1]. Statistical behavior of this macular disease has not changed in a significant way in spite of different types of available treatments as photodynamic therapy, biological agents anti VEGF, and vitamin supplements. However, amyloid beta had been described in AMD since 1982. Methods: Patients with AMD and AD in several stages of evolution were enrolled in this study. The study was approved by Ethic committee at our Human Photosynthesis® Study Center. A novel therapeutic approach is used in this study based on the discovery of the Human Photosynthesis® and the treatment is primarily the medical enhancement of this very primary process in the sequence of physiological events. This work shows the therapeutic results and examples of patients with AMD and AD treated under this thesis, suggesting that a low level of Human Photosynthesis® is a constant subjacent cause, but indeed a very important one. It is expected that if AMD improves dramatically inspite of the presence of edema, hemorrhage, neovascularization, fibrosis and amyloid beta; Alzheimer´s disease can also be improved since AD and AMD have similar characteristics. Results: Anatomical and functional results in AD and AMD are very encouraging. Improvement in visual function is highly significant, around 50-80% in average. On the other hand, also the AD patients treated with enhancement of Human Photosynthesis® therapy showed important regression in their signs and symptoms. Conclusion: A common pathogenic mechanism might exist between AMD and AD. Thus, therapeutic approaches which have targeted Aβ in patients with AD can also be applied to AMD. The enhancement of the Human Photosynthesis® in patients affected with AMD and AD is a novel promissory treatment and highly effective.
Energy Production, the Key Role of the Melanin Molecule in the Human Body: Implications in the Context of Aging
Page: 166-185 (20)
Author: Arturo Solís Herrera, María del Carmen Arias Esparza, Ruth Isabel Solís Arias, Paola Eugenia Solís Arias and Martha Patricia Solís Arias
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010011
PDF Price: $30
Nutrition has been defined as the study of food and nourishment, examining the nutritional content of different foods, the amount of nutrients required for healthy growth and function and how this varies for different people. The main focus was so far in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals. The role of water, in spite to be the main constituent of the human body, was limited to volume in the circulatory apparatus, a simple solvent where metabolic reactions take place; an inner cleaner for the elimination of waste products, and maintenance of the body temperature and plasma volume. Our finding, in the human eye initially, of the intrinsic property of melanin molecule to split and re-form the water molecule breaks the ground. Our body has the astonishing property to uses water as source of electrons, as in plants happen. This fact, previously unknown in human eukaryotic cell, represents a turning point in many fields of human knowledge, among them, the Nutrition concept. Water is the source of energy by excellence and meals are merely the source of biomass. With meals our body makes skin, nails, hair, muscle, blood, neuron cells, bone; etc. Glucose is out of discussion, the perfect building block, thereby our organism is able to makes even nucleic acids arising from C6H12O6. However, energy, defined as any thing that is able to produce some kind of change, is taken from water through the dissociation and re-formation of the molecule. Melanin is the equivalent to the human chlorophyll. Both molecules possess the intrinsic capacity to transform photonic energy into free chemical energy, susceptible to be used by eukaryotic cell.
The Unexpected Role of Melanin as Bio-energetic Molecule and Prof. Szent-gyorgyis Energy Concepts: Hydrogen as Main Source of Energy of Muscle Cell
Page: 186-228 (43)
Author: Sergey Suchkov, Arturo Solís-Herrera and Ruth Isabel Solís-Arias
DOI: 10.2174/9781681086538118010012
PDF Price: $30
The reason for writing this article is to deepen in two concepts that we believe are fundamental in the build-up of a new Biochemistry and therefore a new era in medicine, because allow us a better understanding of the biology of the eukaryotic cell, and specifically for this chapter, of the muscle cell. The first one is the theoretical concept of intracytoplasmic cell´s common energy levels proposed by Prof. Szent-Gyorgyi in the first half of the past century and the second one the surprising fact that the muscle relaxation involves higher levels of chemical energy than the muscle contraction stage, which presupposes a reduction in the level of the energy. The hitherto intrinsic chemistry of melanin to dissociate the water molecule fits and finally explains perfectly the teachings of Prof. Szent-Gyorgyi, and allows, at last, to move them to clinical practice. The physiology of contraction and muscle relaxation has tried to explain based on glucose and ATP as main sources of muscle power, but has not been achieved satisfactorily despite notable efforts of researchers. And proof of this is that muscle problems, even the most common, will have not been able to improve in clinical practice. The finding about the unsuspected function of melanin to generate chemical energy dissociating the water molecule, opens a new and promising panorama in the muscle cell biology. Which is complemented by our recent finding that molecules which contain the Heme group, such as chlorophyll, Myoglobin, hemoglobin, CYT P450, and the bilirubin, are also able to dissociate the water molecule but, unlikely melanin; irreversibly.
Melanin is a biological molecule associated with pigmentation in humans and animals. However, melanin has been observed to have other functions such as neuroprotection and energy production. In Melanin, the Master Molecule, researchers summarize several decades worth of knowledge on melanin and its physicochemical properties. Nine chapters explain the intrinsic biochemistry of melanin, comparisons with conventional energy producing and respiratory biomolecules, the property of melanin to transform light energy into chemical energy through the dissociation of the water molecule, and the theories of melanin based energy production in the nervous system, the cell nucleus, muscles and the eye, and the role the role of melanin in the context of ageing. The authors also delve into the possibility of melanin being the key molecule needed to spark life since its water dissociating property through the absorption of light energy emulates the role of chlorophyll, but unlike the latter, it is not limited to the plant cell environment. Hence, melanin is referred to as the master molecule which can provide a missing link to the biochemical processes behind the origin of life. Melanin, the Master Molecule is an exciting reference for biochemists and laymen interested in the science of melanin and a new perspective on the origin of life as we know it.