Page: 3-12 (10)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010003
PDF Price: $10
This section describes the phenomenon of jet lag and the symptoms associated with it, which vary not only from person to person, but also according to how many times zones are crossed, and in which direction. Two main lines of research are described: the first endeavours to accelerate the adaptation process; the second helps to fight insomnia and sleepiness between arrival and adjustment to the new time zone. Homeostatic and circadian influences on sleep and vigilance are explained on the basis of Borbély's Two-Process Model. The benefits of specifying the remedies for each time zone shift are explained. A strategy of graduated response to jet lag is suggested, from the safest to the most effective. Limitations of these proposals are detailed.
A Bit More on the Nature of Jet Lag?
Page: 13-20 (8)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010004
PDF Price: $10
If you better understand what is at stake in jet lag, you will be better able to adjust harmoniously. Jet lag is reasonably well explained scientifically today. Rapid changes of time zones disturb the functioning of your body clock, which remains stubbornly set on departure time for a while. This can make sleep shallow or nonexistent for substantial parts of the night while vigilance is less than optimal during parts of the day. Flying west seems easier than flying east. Jet lag can in some cases be a more serious medical nuisance.
No-Nonsense Measures
Page: 21-27 (7)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010005
PDF Price: $10
There are many practical things you can do to reduce the burden of jet lag: fast psychological adjustment, exercise, judicious timing of meeting schedules, judicious timing of naps, optimizing your activities in short stay durations, exerting self-discipline, preflight rescheduling and in some cases, sleeping in two parts.
Accelerating the Phase Adjustment
Page: 28-35 (8)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010006
PDF Price: $10
Ideally, we would want to turn our body clock forward or back and reset it to local time as soon as we land. The jet lag problem would disappear instantly and you could throw this book away. Unfortunately, no such mechanism has yet been found. However, the adjustment process can already be speeded up using bright light and melatonin.
Sleeping When Your Body Does Not Seem to Want to
Page: 36-47 (12)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010007
PDF Price: $10
Sleepiness mainly comes from a deficit in sleep quantity or quality. From a homeostatic perspective, obtaining enough sleep of good quality is the most determining factor. The circadian perspective explains why your body clock contradicts your wish to sleep at appropriate times once at destination. It may make it difficult to fall asleep (Group A), to wake up (Group C), or both (Group B). Here is what you can do about it, using sleeping pills if needed (benzodiazepines and others).
Staying Awake When Your Body Only Seems to Want to Sleep
Page: 48-58 (11)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010008
PDF Price: $10
This chapter reviews the importance of fatigue (sleepiness) as a cause of distress and accidents. It insists on the fact that the best way to avoid it is to sleep enough and well. It presents the stimulants that could help you fight sleepiness if nothing else has worked (caffeine, modafinil).
In the Plane
Page: 59-62 (4)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010009
PDF Price: $10
This chapter presents the differences between travel fatigue and jet lag, and what you could do in the plane.
How to Use the Time Zone Sheets (TZS)
Page: 63-67 (5)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010010
PDF Price: $10
The Time Zone Sheets in the next chapter explain what to do in each jet lag situation, from West +1 to East -1. This chapter tells you how to find the one that corresponds to your particular trip (outward and return). It also discusses how to finetune your choice of Time Zone Sheet as a function of geography rather than political borders and of your own usual sleep habits.
Time Zone Sheets (TZS): A Journey Around the World
Page: 68-146 (79)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010011
PDF Price: $10
23 jet lag situations, from West +1 to East -1, are described here. I begin with the specific problems that may be encountered in each case, as well as a list of specific solutions. These solutions start with no-nonsense measures; go on to speeding up the adjustment using bright light and melatonin; then to sleeping pills; and, if nothing else works, to strong doses of caffeine and stimulants. I suggest you use a graduated, step-by-step response and to go to the next level only if you have an insufficient result. I will end with a few comments based on my own experience over the years as a traveller.
How You Can Help to Advance the Science of Jet Lag
Page: 147-147 (1)
Author: Olivier Le Bon
DOI: 10.2174/9781681082936116010012
PDF Price: $10
The present suggestions are an extrapolation of evidence-based medicine. They have not been extensively field-tested. By completing a survey, you can help me to refine the suggestions for future editions of this book.
Jet lag – that familiar feeling of fatigue when one exits a plane after a long flight – has no established remedy. No medical application or device is yet capable of eliminating jet lag, especially considering the fact that it differs whether you travel eastwards or westwards and also depends on the number of times zones crossed (as much as 23 different time zone segments can be identified). The problem of jet lag is thus more complex than it may seem. However, if it affects you, there are many things that you can do to help beat it. How Smart People Can Overcome Jet Lag scientifically explains the jet lag phenomenon. It then covers some easy tricks to fight jet lag, bright light, melatonin, sleeping pills and stimulants. Therefore, readers will be able to understand the reasons for jet lag and various ways to overcome it. How Smart People Can Overcome Jet Lag is a handy technical guide for anyone looking to make their air travel experiences less tiring.