Tumors are dependent upon neovascularization to feed their massive demand for nutrients and oxygen. To uphold the nutrient influx, cancer cells produce growth factors and activators that stimulate and shape the blood vessel network around the tumor. Therapies aimed at reducing the blood flow to the cancer cells can slow down tumor growth and reduce metastasis. This chapter focuses on tumor neovascularization as a target for anti-cancer therapy. An overview of long standing and novel anti-angiogenic agents is given, which includes antibodies directed against vascular growth factors and angiotensin II, pharmaceutical compounds and natural metabolites, and combination therapy. The relevant patents are discussed. Anti-angiogenic therapy has every potential of becoming indispensible, as a supplement to chemo- and radiation-cancer therapy.
Keywords: Angiogenesis, angiopoietin inhibitors, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor 1 antagonists, antibody therapy, combination therapy, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, hepatocyte growth factor inhibitors, intergrins, liposomes, matrix metalloproteinases, mitocans, opioids, phytochemicals, polymers, polyphenols, thrombospondins, troponin I, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors.