Mobile Computing Solutions for Healthcare Systems

Secure Medical Data Transmission In Mobile Health Care System Using Medical Image Watermarking Techniques

Author(s): B. Santhi and S. Priya * .

Pp: 104-119 (16)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815050592123010011

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Medical information is maintained in a digital format, like scanned images along with patient information. In the mobile health care system, digitized medical information is transmitted to remote specialists for diagnosis purposes. The remote specialists verify the patient medical information using mobile or other devices and suggest the treatment. During medical data transmission, through unsecured media, there is a chance to modify the medical data by the attacker. It leads to the wrong diagnosis and affects the patient's entire life. So there is a need for secure medical data transmission in mobile healthcare to protect medical information from unauthorized users or intruders. The medical image watermarking technique is required to protect medical information in mobile healthcare. To withstand various medical image watermarking attacks, this chapter discusses two different types of robust medical image watermarking techniques in mobile healthcare. First, an intelligent-based medical image watermarking technique is discussed to protect the medical data in a secured manner during the electronic patient information embedding part. After embedding the patient information in the medical image, the generated watermarked medical image looks like an original medical image. So the attacker knows the visual existence of the medical data during its transmission. To avoid this, the second technique, i.e., the visual medical image encryption technique, is discussed. The mobile healthcare system uses the intelligent medical image watermarking technique and visual medical image encryption for the secure transmission of medical information. 

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