Proteins are an important nutrient for all animal species as they are a
primary component of all body tissues as well as fluids and vital organs. In evaluating
proteins present in halophytes as dietary nutrients, one should take several issues into
consideration (ie. the high percentage of nonprotein nitrogen fraction, the large percent
of solubility of halophytic proteins, the high degradability of soluble proteins in the
rumen by the microorganisms, and the lack of readily available carbohydrates in
halophytes that increases nitrogen waste). The protein contents of halophytes, amino
acids in halophytes, effects of salinity on protein and amino acid contents of
halophytes, effects of season on protein and amino acid contents of halophytes, animal
utilization of halophytic proteins, and factors affecting microbial protein synthesis from
halophytic sources are all covered in this chapter.
Keywords: Amino acids, Degradation, Dietary, Halophytes, Microorganisms, Nutrients, Proteins, Rumen, Salinity