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Current Nutrition & Food Science


ISSN (Print): 1573-4013
ISSN (Online): 2212-3881

Research Article

The Effects of Tempeh Gembus, an Indonesian Fermented Food, on Lipid Profiles in Women with Hyperlipidemia

Author(s): Diana Nur Afifah*, Nida Nabilah, Galuh Tamarasani Supraba, Syafira Noor Pratiwi, Nuryanto and Mohammad Sulchan

Volume 16, Issue 1, 2020

Page: [56 - 64] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1573401314666180807112549


Background: Hyperlipidemia is the major precursor of lipid-related diseases. Consumption of high fiber foods may decrease lipid profiles. The fiber content in tempeh gembus is three times higher than regular tempeh.

Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of tempeh gembus on lipid profiles in women with hyperlipidemia.

Methods: This research used the quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. Subjects were 41 women with hyperlipidemia, classified into 3 groups: control group, treatment group 1 given 103 g/day tempeh gembus, and treatment group 2 given 206 g/day tempeh gembus for 14 days. All of the groups received nutrition education. Total cholesterol and HDL-C were determined by CHOD-PAP method, triglyceride determined by enzymatic GPO-PAP method after subjects had been fasting for approximately 10 hours. LDL-C was calculated by Friedewald equation.

Results: These results showed that consumption of tempeh gembus 103 g/day and 206 g/day decreased LDL-C 27.9% and 30.9% as well as decreased total cholesterol 17.7% and 19.8% respectively. However, HDL-C increased 3.91% and 8.79% and triglyceride increased 2.3% and 3.1%. Tempeh gembus given 206 g/day was more effective to decrease total cholesterol and LDL-C than 103 g/day.

Conclusion: Increasing tempeh gembus consumption in women with hyperlipidemia should be addressed to decrease LDL-C and total cholesterol.

Keywords: Fiber, HDL-C, hyperlipidemia, LDL-C, Tempeh Gembus, total cholesterol, triglyceride.

Graphical Abstract

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