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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2352-0965
ISSN (Online): 2352-0973

Research Article

Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit based on Bus Observation Reliability

Author(s): Van-Khoi Tran* and He-Sheng Zhang

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2019

Page: [68 - 78] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/2352096511666180508143702

Price: $65


Background: Meter placement, which can determine sufficient measurements for the successful estimate implementation, plays a crucial role for state estimation of the power system. For ensuring the robustness of state estimation against bad data in measurements, fail data from attackers and loss of measures; the measurement redundancies are necessary.

Methods: This paper proposes a new method based on the observation reliability criteria of the bus to solve the optimal meter placement problem in the power network. The goal of this work is to enhance the effect of measurement redundancies and achieve any desired rates of robustness for state estimation. Regarding the practicability of the method, some practical aspects, such as zero injection bus, the presence of conventional measurements, the change of network's topology, or computational time, were also considered.

Result: The simulations on IEEE RTS 96, 14-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus and 2383-bus test systems were tested for evaluating the effect of the proposed approach. The simulated results showed that the proposed method is flexible, practical and feasible in solving the meter placement problem for real power networks.

Conclusion: Based on the observation reliability of buses we can enhance the effect of redundancy significantly and achieve any desired robust rates of state estimation.

Keywords: Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), optimal placement, observation reliability, power network observability, SE technology, zero injection bus.

Graphical Abstract

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