Review Article

Try to Remember: Interplay between Memory and Substance Use Disorder

Author(s): Rashidi Mohamed Pakri Mohamed, Jaya Kumar*, Ernie Yap, Isa Naina Mohamed, Hatta Sidi, Raja Lope Adam and Srijit Das

Volume 20, Issue 2, 2019

Page: [158 - 165] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170622092824

Price: $65


Memories associated with substance use disorders, or substance-associated cues increase the likelihood of craving and relapse during abstinence. There is a growing consensus that manipulation of synaptic plasticity may reduce the strength of substance abuse-related memories. On the biological front, there are new insights that suggest memories associated with substance use disorder may follow unique neurobiological pathways that render them more accessible to pharmacological intervention. In parallel to this, research in neurochemistry has identified several potential candidate molecules that could influence the formation and maintenance of long-term memory. Drugs that target these molecules (blebbistatin, isradipine and zeta inhibitory peptide) have shown promise at the preclinical stage. In this review, we shall provide an overview of the evolving understanding on the biochemical mechanisms involved in memory formation and expound on the premise that substance use disorder is a learning disorder.

Keywords: Addiction, memory, relapse, cue, blebbistatin, isradipine, PKM zeta.

Graphical Abstract

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