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Current Cardiology Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-403X
ISSN (Online): 1875-6557

A Practical Guide for the Treatment of Symptomatic Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF)

Author(s): Brent N. Reed and Carla A. Sueta

Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015

Page: [23 - 32] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1574884708666131117125508

Price: $65


This review will outline the management of patients with symptomatic systolic heart failure or heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), i.e., those with structural heart disease and previous or current symptoms. Determination of volume status and appropriate diuretic administration is important in heart failure management. Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic nervous systems improves survival and decreases hospitalizations in patients with systolic or reduced ejection fraction HF (HFrEF). Beta blockers and aldosterone antagonists improve ejection fraction. Indications for additional agents including nitrates plus hydralazine, digoxin, statins, omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, anticoagulants, and antiarrhythmics will be discussed. Choice of agents, dose-related effects, strategies to minimize adverse effects, and medications to avoid will be presented.

Keywords: ACE inhibitor, aldosterone antagonist, angiotensin receptor blocker, beta blocker, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, systolic heart failure.

Graphical Abstract

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      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select v.nid as volume_id,e.nid,e.title,v.issn,v.eissn,v.isbn,v.eisbn,e.ebook_id, v.image_file_name,v.file_path,v.flyer_link,v.ebook_volume_id, v.volume_name,v.doi,v.year_id,v.introduction from `subject_ebook` as `se` inner join `ebook` as `e` on `e`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `ebook_volume` as `v` on `v`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `y`.`id` = `v`.`year_id` where subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=16) and v.ebook_status='1' and y.year > 2020 group by `v`.`nid` order by `v`.`ebook_volume_id` desc limit 10 offset 0
      • 14. app/Models/Subject.php:220
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2518
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `keywords` where `article_id` = '57440'
      • 0: 57440
      • 13. app/Models/Keywords.php:43
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2519
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `article_citation` where `article_id` = '57440'
      • 0: 57440
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1570
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2520
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.last_name) as authors, CONCAT(au.last_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), ' ', au.first_name) AS authorsRIS, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.last_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.first_name) as authorsCiteAs, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.last_name), '')) as authorsmodal , `au`.*, `af`.`ror_id`, `af`.`institution`, `af`.`department`, `af`.`country`, `af`.`city`, `af`.`address`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.institution,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.department,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.address,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.postal_code,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.fax,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `author_affiliation`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.web_view,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `web_view` from `author` as `au` left join `author_affiliation` as `af` on `au`.`author_id` = `af`.`author_id` where `au`.`article_id` = '57440' group by `au`.`author_id` order by `au`.`article_id` asc, `au`.`sequence` asc
      • 0: 57440
      • 13. app/Models/Author.php:86
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2533
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2535
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `subtitle` from `journal` where `continues_publication_journal` = 1
      • 0: 1
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1960
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2062
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • Select j.subtitle, v.volume_id as volume_id,v.year_id,y.year as year,v.volume_name, v.total_no_of_issues, i.issue_id as issue_id,i.title as issue, i.publication_date as issue_pub_date from journal j join volume v on j.journal_id = v.journal_id join issue i on v.volume_id = i.volume_id join article a on a.issue_id = i.issue_id join year y on v.year_id = where j.journal_id = 16 and i.is_uploaded = 1 order by v.volume_name+0 desc, i.title+0 desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Issue.php:298
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2068
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 1 and a.journal_id = 16 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2070
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 4 and a.journal_id = 16 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2071
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select pdf, html, epub, prc from `article_metrics` where `article_id` = 57440 limit 1
      • 0: 57440
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:744
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2091
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from content_by_diseases where content_id = 57440 and content_type = 'article' order by status desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:751
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2094
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid article_nid,a.title article_title,j.title journal_title from content_by_diseases cd inner join article a on a.article_id=cd.content_id inner join journal j on j.journal_id=a.journal_id where = 258 and cd.sub_disease_id = 357 and content_id!=57440 and cd.content_type = 'article' order by rand() limit 20
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:769
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2098
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `node_meta` where `nid` = 118003 limit 1
      • 0: 118003
      • 14. app/Models/Meta.php:30
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2101
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2108
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `tbl_ht_submission` as `h` where `h`.`subtitle` = 'CCR' and (h.proposal_closing_date = 0 OR TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(h.proposal_closing_date)) >= TO_DAYS(NOW())) order by `h`.`manuscript` asc
      • 0: CCR
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:2025
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2112
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '57440' and content_type = 'a' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2186
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '6009' and content_type = 'i' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2207
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '1546' and content_type = 'v' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2231
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 1546) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 1546) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 1546)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2272
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 6009) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 6009) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 6009)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2297
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 57440) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 57440) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 51718564 and j.to_ip >=51718564 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739834600 and j.to_date >= 1739834600 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 57440)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2329
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `first_page` < '23' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 6009 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) desc limit 1
      • 0: 23
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1819
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2470
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `last_page` > '32' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 6009 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) asc limit 1
      • 0: 32
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1831
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2472
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `language_id` from `multilanguage` where `short_code` = 'en'
      • 0: en
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2497
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select `source_lang_label`, `target_lang_label` from `multilanguage_labels` where `target_lang_id` = 1
      • 0: 1
      • 13. app/Models/MultiLanguage.php:23
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2498
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `id` from `multilanguage_article` where `article_id` = 57440 limit 1
      • 0: 57440
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2506
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 16 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1739834600 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1739834600 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 16
      • 3: 1739834600
      • 4: 1739834600
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 16 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1739834600 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1739834600 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 16
      • 3: 1739834600
      • 4: 1739834600
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select count(*) as aggregate from `uc_cart_products` where cart_id='dc02d8d543e8e8862ff90eb3021d97a2'
      • 15. app/Models/Cart.php:271
      • 16. view::layouts._header:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
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