Passive filters are extensively used as an effective procedure for harmonic mitigation due to their wide range of frequency response characteristics which can achieve a specific filtering goal, and also due to their straightforwardness and reasonable cost. This article presents an application of FORTRAN Feasible Sequential Quadratic Programming (FFSQP), which it is implemented to tackle a number of conflicting search goals which allow the appropriate calculation of optimal passive filter parameters. The article includes different optimization criteria depending on the designer concerns. In addition, various case studies are presented, including a comparison between the results of different objective functions by means of different numerical examples, considering their source and load nonlinearities. The article presents some promising patents for the assessment of different objectives for harmonic passive filter design.
Keywords: Power systems harmonics, passive filters, power quality, Assessment of Different Objectives, Harmonics Passive Filters Design, shunt LC filter, Harmonic resonant Constraint, harmonic indices, Transmission system resistance, compensator reactor