The ultimate goal of animal studies using advanced imaging technology is to understand and conquer human ailments. Studies of small and large animals provides approximation to human to different degrees. The first part will review the general requirements of small animal imaging. It will be illustrated by our experience in small animal imaging (microPET, scintigrams, CT and MRI) using rats to examine locoregional radionuclide cancer therapy. The technical requirements and requisites for translation to human studies will be discussed. The second part will examine requirements in large animal imaging, illustrated by our dog studies involving PET, PET/CT, MRI and dosimetry to provide closer approximation to human dimensions and for the design of clinical trials. The main objective is to familiarize the theoretical bases and practical requirements to carry out animal imaging studies for meaningful translation research.
Keywords: Locoregional, radionuclide therapy, translational research, intrathecal therapy, rat tumor model, canine tumor model, cTVT tumor