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Current Chemical Biology


ISSN (Print): 2212-7968
ISSN (Online): 1872-3136

Research Article

Tubulin-gene Mutation in Drug Resistance in Helminth Parasite: Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

Author(s): Ananta Swargiary*, Harmonjit Boro and Dulur Brahma

Volume 17, Issue 4, 2023

Published on: 28 December, 2023

Page: [249 - 259] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/0122127968276934231219052232

Price: $65


Background: Drug resistance is an important phenomenon in helminth parasites. Microtubules are among the key chemotherapeutic targets, mutations of which lead to drug resistance.

Objectives: The present study investigated the role of F167Y, E198A, and F200Y mutations in β- tubulin protein and their effect on albendazole binding.

Methods: Brugia malayi β-tubulin protein models were generated using the SwissModel platform by submitting amino acid sequences. Mutations were carried out at amino acid sequences by changing F167Y, E198A, and F200Y. All the model proteins (one wild and three mutated) were docked with the anthelmintic drug albendazole using AutoDock vina-1.1.5. Docking complexes were further investigated for their binding stability by a Molecular Dynamic Simulation study using Gromacs-2023.2. The binding free energies of protein-ligand complexes were analyzed using the MM/PBSA package.

Results: The docking study observed decreased ligand binding affinity in F167Y and E198A mutant proteins compared to wild proteins. MD simulation revealed the overall structural stability of the protein complexes during the simulation period. The simulation also observed more stable binding of albendazole in the active pocket of mutant proteins compared to wild-type proteins. Like ligand RMSD, wild-type protein also showed higher amino acid residual flexibility. The flexibility indicates the less compactness of wild β-tubulin protein complexes compared to mutant proteinligand complexes. Van der Waals and electrostatic interactions were found to be the major energy in protein-ligand complexes. However, due to higher solvation energy, wild-type protein showed more flexibility compared to others.

Conclusion: The study, therefore, concludes that mutations at positions 167 and 198 of the β- tubulin protein contribute to resistance to albendazole through weakened binding affinity. However, the binding of albendazole binding to the proteins leads to structures becoming more stable and compact.

Graphical Abstract

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