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Current Traditional Medicine


ISSN (Print): 2215-0838
ISSN (Online): 2215-0846

Mini-Review Article

Pharmacological Activities of the Roots of Stemona tuberosa Medicinal Plant: An Overview

Author(s): Shilpi Pathak*, Riya Verma and Richa Sharma

Volume 10, Issue 7, 2024

Published on: 04 September, 2023

Article ID: e160823219802 Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/2215083810666230816095313

Price: $65


Since childhood, plants and plant products have been used extensively as medicine. The majority of rural residents still rely on natural resources and the old-fashioned medical system for their daily needs. The biological richness of Arunachal Pradesh is renowned, as is its rich cultural diversity. The native population uses a number of aromatic and medicinal plant species to cure a wide range of illnesses. The current review deals with the biological activity of Stemona tuberosa, a possible medicinal plant species of Arunachal Pradesh. Extract from tuberous roots has numerous properties, including anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tobacco mosaic virus, antitussive, wound healing, and anti-herpes. The roots' powder is employed as a preservation and insect deterrent. Alkaloids, sugars and glycosides, phenolic compounds, trace amounts of proteins, saponin, flavonoids, and gum mucilage, were all found during the phytochemical analysis, which shows that the species has a significant potential for therapeutic use. As a result, it is possible to think of the examined species as a potential source of beneficial medications.

Graphical Abstract

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