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Current Traditional Medicine


ISSN (Print): 2215-0838
ISSN (Online): 2215-0846

Short Communication

In Silico Study of the Structural Disruption of 14α-demethylase Induced by the Binding of Terminalia chebula Constituents

Author(s): Nidhi Rani*, Randhir Singh, Praveen Kumar and Nitin Verma

Volume 10, Issue 5, 2024

Published on: 07 August, 2023

Article ID: e100723218590 Pages: 20

DOI: 10.2174/2215083810666230710122114

Price: $65


Background: Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been in use in medicine and daily life.

Objective: To develop new antifungal compounds with low toxicity and high efficacy followed by high bioavailability, the constituents of Terminalia chebula were studied.

Methods: The chemical constituents of the plant were evaluated for antifungal potential via Molergo Virtual Docker against the enzyme 14α-demethylase.

Results: The study depicted that tannins exhibited very good potential against the enzyme and could be used further for lead development.

Conclusion: The study revealed that the plant possessed various constituents with potential antifungal properties and low toxicity.

Graphical Abstract

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