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ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Research Article

Numerical Simulation Study on Optimizing the Conical Cutter Bit to Break Deep Strata

Author(s): Shibin Li, Xiaoxing Zhu*, Kai Liang, Yuqing Deng and Hegao Liu

Volume 18, Issue 3, 2024

Published on: 31 May, 2023

Article ID: e110523216781 Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230511094834

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Background: Methods that are used to obtain oil and gas resources by penetrating deep strata are gradually being developed. The complex lithology of deep strata causes difficulties for traditional drill bits to cut into the rock effectively, which affects the drilling efficiency.

Objective: The goal of this work is to optimize the bit structure and design a patented drill bit for more efficient rock breaking.

Methods: Through a series of tests, the rock mechanics parameters of deep strata in a block of Jilin Oilfield were measured, and the drill bit model XFXR5195 was selected to best match the lithology of the formation by using the Virtual Strength Index and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution. Simulation of the rock breaking process of the conical PDC cutter and cylindrical PDC cutter with the finite element method.

Results: The simulation results show that the pre-crushing of the conical cutter can effectively reduce the difficulty of the subsequent cylindrical cutter in breaking and cutting rocks under 100 MPa compressive strength rocks; under 50 MPa compressive strength rocks, the combination of the conical cutter and cylindrical cutter are not effective with regards to drilling.

Conclusion: The conical PDC cutter has a more uniform force range and more concentrated stress on the rock than the cylindrical PDC cutter. The rock-breaking ability of the conical PDC cutter is higher than that of the cylindrical PDC cutter under different compressive strength rocks and especially in high compressive strength rocks.

Graphical Abstract

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