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Letters in Drug Design & Discovery


ISSN (Print): 1570-1808
ISSN (Online): 1875-628X

Research Article

Endogenous AMPKα2 Mediates the Inhibition of Biliary Fibroblasts Proliferation

Author(s): Jiamei Lu, Liang Yu and Jianhua Shi*

Volume 21, Issue 3, 2024

Published on: 06 January, 2023

Page: [520 - 528] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1570180820666221031094240

Price: $65


Background: Although it has been established that activating adenosine monophosphateactivated protein kinase (AMPK) inhibits cell proliferation in several cells, it is unknown whether AMPK is involved in inhibiting biliary fibroblast growth.

Objective: The objective of this study is to specifically investigate the influence of AMPK isoforms on proliferation.

Methods: To further address its underlying molecular mechanisms, primary cultured rat biliary fibroblasts were transfected with sequence-specific AMPK1 or AMPK2 siRNA.

Results: Our findings show that knocking down AMPK2 greatly increased the proliferation of primary cultured biliary fibroblasts, accompanied by the activation of mTOR, an increase in S-phase kinaseassociated protein 2 (Skp2) expression, and a decrease in p27 protein levels. AMPK2 inhibition-triggered Skp2 overexpression and concomitant p27 decrease, as well as biliary fibroblast proliferation, were reversed by rapamycin inhibition or previous silencing of Skp2 production by targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection.

Conclusion: We concluded that AMPK2 regulates the mTOR/Skp2/p27 signaling pathway and causes endogenous suppression of primary cultured biliary fibroblast growth. The reduction of biliary fibroblast proliferation by AMPK2 could be a potential method in treating benign biliary stricture (BBS).

Graphical Abstract

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