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ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Review Article

A Review of Perception-Based Navigation System for Autonomous Mobile Robots

Author(s): Julius Fusic S.* and Sugumari T.

Volume 17, Issue 6, 2023

Published on: 21 October, 2022

Article ID: e290922209298 Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1872212117666220929142031

Price: $65


Perception-based navigation systems have become more popular in robotic applications such as autonomous moving vehicles in hospitals, logistics, packing and forwarding, mines, military, defense, consumer robots, building surveillance, rescuing and carrying a child or physically challenged people, and so on, due to the need, advanced development, and large influence. To improve positioning, localization, and path planning on obstacle-free trajectories, several navigation designs have been developed. In this study, we attempt to analyze various navigation methods and technologies applied by mobile robots in various applications. On paths without obstacles, a number of navigation designs have been created to enhance positioning, localization, and path planning. An overview of many navigation technologies is given in this article. The paper focuses on Measurand- based navigation of mobile robot applications in a diverse environment by taking into account previous research works. Additionally, there is a comparison of technologies, methodologies, applications, algorithms for error reduction, and different kinds of perception systems, in addition to metrics like accuracy and usability. This limited study focuses on the integration of an antenna with an IMUbased navigation system that is suited for all environments, as well as some future trends to detect to aid in the profound-implication of navigation system enhancement in robotic applications.

Keywords: Measurand Navigation, environment positioning system, perception systems, Antenna, Mobile robot, Autonomous vehicles.

Graphical Abstract

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