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Current Chemical Biology


ISSN (Print): 2212-7968
ISSN (Online): 1872-3136

Mini-Review Article

Modulation of Lignin and its Implications in Salt, Drought and Temperature Stress Tolerance

Author(s): Kavi Kishor P.B.*, Srinivas B., Prashant Singam, Sahitya G., Tulya Rupa Sri V., Rajasheker G. and Prashanth Suravajhala

Volume 17, Issue 1, 2023

Published on: 12 September, 2022

Page: [2 - 12] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/2212796816666220820110616

Price: $65


Background: Lignins are phenylpropanoid polymers with complex composition and structures and crucial components in plant cell walls. Lignins are biosynthesized from oxidative polymerization of 4-hydroxycinnamyl alcohols, but differ in the degree of methoxylation.

Objective: This review makes an endeavour to identify the gaps in our understanding of lignin modulation and gain insights into their relevance to abiotic stress tolerance.

Methods: Critical review of the recent literature to understand the regulation of lignin, the major biopolymer involved in a multitude of functions.

Results: Lignin contributes to the growth of tissues, and organs that give mechanical protection or lodging resistance and also responds to multiple biotic and abiotic stresses. The quantity and quality of accumulation of lignin is dependent on the type of plant species and abiotic stress. In this review, we briefly discuss the biosynthesis, modulation of lignin by diverse transcription factors and its role in salt, drought and temperature stress tolerance.

Conclusion: We need to explore many areas to gain comprehensive knowledge about the secondary cell wall deposition of monolignols, and their transport, leading to lignin accumulation which imparts biotic and abiotic stress tolerance to plants.

Keywords: Lignin biosynthesis, salt, drought and temperature stresses, transcription factors, secondary cell wall, monolignol deposition.

Graphical Abstract

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