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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Diversified Applications of Self-assembled Nanocluster Delivery Systems- A State-ofthe- art Review

Author(s): Pravin Shende*, Bernice Rodrigues and Sharayu Govardhane

Volume 28, Issue 23, 2022

Published on: 06 July, 2022

Page: [1870 - 1884] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/1381612828666220301125944

Price: $65


Background: For the nanoparticulate system and the transportation of cellular elements for the fabrication of microelectronic devices, self-assembled nanoclusters arrange the components into an organized structure. Nanoclusters reduce transcytosis and increase endocytosis in intestinal mucin to strengthen the retrograde pathway that helps for delivery of actives to the Golgi apparatus.

Objectives: This review article focuses on the self-assembled nanoclusters for cellular transportation, applications of self-assembled structures in the delivery of essential elements like using a peptide in targeted and stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems, and self-assembly of tocopherol nanoclusters that promote vitamin E delivery across the endothelial barrier.

Methods: Current innovation in the self-assembly of peptides includes the formation of nanostructures like vesicles, fibers, and rod-coil in various applications of wound healing, tissue engineering, atherosclerosis treatment, sensing heavy metals from biological and environmental samples, and advanced drug delivery.

Results: Self-assembled biodegradable nanoclusters are used as biomimetic structures for a synergistic effect. For temperature-triggered drug release nanoclusters, modifications in preparation methods, such as the inclusion of a copolymer, are made.

Conclusion: Green synthesis of nanoclusters, nanocluster-based biosensors, and artificial intelligence are future concepts in the manufacturing and prevention of toxicity in humans.

Keywords: Self-assembly, nanoclusters, copolymer, vesicles, green synthesis, synergistic effect, biometric structures.

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