Mini-Review Article


卷 22, 期 1, 2022

发表于: 09 December, 2021

页: [1 - 14] 页: 14

弟呕挨: 10.2174/1566523221666211006120355

价格: $65


CRISPR /Cas基因编辑是一项革命性的技术,可以纠正体内的基因突变,为遗传疾病的治疗干预提供了很大的希望。腺相关病毒(AAV)载体是一种潜在的运载CRISPR/Cas的载体。然而,它们受到其有限的包装容量的限制。识别较小的Cas同源基因,并将其与所需的引导RNA元素一起打包成单个AAV,将是CRISPR/- Cas基因编辑的一个重要优化。扩大Cas蛋白的选择,可以通过单一的AAV交付,不仅增加了翻译应用,也扩大了可用于编辑的基因位点。这篇综述考虑了适用于使用单个AAV载体传递的基因编辑方法的小Cas蛋白同源物的优点和目前的范围。

关键词: CRISPR, CRISPR/Cas9,基因治疗,Cas9,矫形器,AAV。

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      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:183
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php:88
    • (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_journal_volume_trail WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_journal_volume_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_journal_volume_token WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_ebook_volume_trail WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_ebook_volume_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_ebook_volume_token WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_issue_trail WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_issue_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_issue_token WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_article_trail WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_article_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_article_token WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_chapter_trail WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_chapter_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_chapter_token WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) union (select `user_id`, `to_ip`, `from_ip` from (select user_id, to_ip, from_ip FROM user_access_disease_corporate WHERE to_ip >= 59235952 ORDER BY to_ip ASC LIMIT 1) as `tjv` where `from_ip` <= 59235952) limit 1
      • 0: 59235952
      • 1: 59235952
      • 2: 59235952
      • 3: 59235952
      • 4: 59235952
      • 5: 59235952
      • 6: 59235952
      • 7: 59235952
      • 8: 59235952
      • 9: 59235952
      • 10: 59235952
      • 11: 59235952
      • 12: 59235952
      • 13: 59235952
      • 14: 59235952
      • 15: 59235952
      • 14. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:784
      • 15. middleware::check_user_access:114
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:183
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Middleware/SubstituteBindings.php:50
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:183
    • SELECT at.type_name, p.copyright, p.publisher_location,m.month,y.year, a.publish_on, a.nid article_nid,a.article_id, a.pmid, a.issue_id, a.title, a.abstract,a.podcast,a.altmetric_score,a.altmetric_url,a.kudos_url, a.page_count, a.first_page, a.elocator, a.last_page, i.publication_date, a.file_name, a.file_path, a.doi, a.is_epub,a.epub_type, a.volume_id, a.is_uploaded, a.editor_choice, a.is_epub, j.image_file_name, a.article_no, a.art_type AS article_type, a.supplementary_filename,a.html_filename,a.prc_filename,a.epub_filename, a.graph_abs_lg_filename, a.graph_abs_sm_filename, a.oa_image_lg_filename, a.oa_image_sm_filename, j.journal_banner,a.animated_abstract,a.erratum_in,a.erratum_for, (CASE WHEN a.issue_id =0 THEN j.epub_price ELSE j.price END) AS sell_price, j.epub_price, j.nid AS jour_nid, j.title AS journal_title, j.issn, j.eissn,j.journal_id, j.subtitle AS jour_subtitle, v.volume_id,v.volume_name AS volume, v.year_id, i.title AS issue, i.month_id ,i.type issue_type, j.subtitle,j.formerly_title, ac.subtitle AS epub_title,a.crossmark_enabled,a.text_mining_urls,a.license_urls,a.created, a.receivedate, a.revisedate, a.acceptdate,js.js_title FROM article a LEFT JOIN article_section ac ON a.is_epub = ac.art_sec_id LEFT JOIN journal_section js ON a.js_id = js.js_id LEFT JOIN article_type at ON a.art_type = at.art_type_id LEFT JOIN issue i ON a.issue_id = i.issue_id LEFT JOIN month m ON = i.month_id LEFT JOIN volume v ON v.volume_id = a.volume_id INNER JOIN year y ON = v.year_id INNER JOIN journal j ON j.journal_id = a.journal_id INNER JOIN publisher p ON p.publisher_id = j.publisher_id WHERE a.article_id=118334
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:408
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2515
      • 13. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `journal` where `journal_id` = 28 limit 1
      • 0: 28
      • 14. app/Models/Journal.php:64
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2516
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select count(*) as aggregate from (select j.nid as journal_nid,j.flyer_link,j.title ,j.issn,j.eissn,j.keyword, j.journal_id as journal_id, j.subtitle, j.image_file_name,j.description,j.journal_insight_url,j.doi from `subject_journal` as `sj` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `sj`.`journal_id` where j.journal_status=1 and subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=28) and sj.journal_id!=28 group by `j`.`nid`) as `aggregate_table`
      • 16. app/Models/Subject.php:200
      • 17. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2517
      • 18. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select j.nid as journal_nid,j.flyer_link,j.title ,j.issn,j.eissn,j.keyword, j.journal_id as journal_id, j.subtitle, j.image_file_name,j.description,j.journal_insight_url,j.doi from `subject_journal` as `sj` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `sj`.`journal_id` where j.journal_status=1 and subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=28) and sj.journal_id!=28 group by `j`.`nid` order by `j`.`journal_id` asc limit 10 offset 0
      • 14. app/Models/Subject.php:200
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2517
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select count(*) as aggregate from (select v.nid as volume_id,e.nid,e.title,v.issn,v.eissn,v.isbn,v.eisbn,e.ebook_id, v.image_file_name,v.file_path,v.flyer_link,v.ebook_volume_id, v.volume_name,v.doi,v.year_id,v.introduction from `subject_ebook` as `se` inner join `ebook` as `e` on `e`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `ebook_volume` as `v` on `v`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `y`.`id` = `v`.`year_id` where subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=28) and v.ebook_status='1' and y.year > 2020 group by `v`.`nid`) as `aggregate_table`
      • 16. app/Models/Subject.php:220
      • 17. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2518
      • 18. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select v.nid as volume_id,e.nid,e.title,v.issn,v.eissn,v.isbn,v.eisbn,e.ebook_id, v.image_file_name,v.file_path,v.flyer_link,v.ebook_volume_id, v.volume_name,v.doi,v.year_id,v.introduction from `subject_ebook` as `se` inner join `ebook` as `e` on `e`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `ebook_volume` as `v` on `v`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `y`.`id` = `v`.`year_id` where subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=28) and v.ebook_status='1' and y.year > 2020 group by `v`.`nid` order by `v`.`ebook_volume_id` desc limit 10 offset 0
      • 14. app/Models/Subject.php:220
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2518
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `keywords` where `article_id` = '118334'
      • 0: 118334
      • 13. app/Models/Keywords.php:43
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2519
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `article_citation` where `article_id` = '118334'
      • 0: 118334
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1570
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2520
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.last_name) as authors, CONCAT(au.last_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), ' ', au.first_name) AS authorsRIS, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.last_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.first_name) as authorsCiteAs, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.last_name), '')) as authorsmodal , `au`.*, `af`.`ror_id`, `af`.`institution`, `af`.`department`, `af`.`country`, `af`.`city`, `af`.`address`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.institution,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.department,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.address,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.postal_code,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.fax,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `author_affiliation`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.web_view,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `web_view` from `author` as `au` left join `author_affiliation` as `af` on `au`.`author_id` = `af`.`author_id` where `au`.`article_id` = '118334' group by `au`.`author_id` order by `au`.`article_id` asc, `au`.`sequence` asc
      • 0: 118334
      • 13. app/Models/Author.php:86
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2533
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2535
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `subtitle` from `journal` where `continues_publication_journal` = 1
      • 0: 1
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1960
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2062
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • Select j.subtitle, v.volume_id as volume_id,v.year_id,y.year as year,v.volume_name, v.total_no_of_issues, i.issue_id as issue_id,i.title as issue, i.publication_date as issue_pub_date from journal j join volume v on j.journal_id = v.journal_id join issue i on v.volume_id = i.volume_id join article a on a.issue_id = i.issue_id join year y on v.year_id = where j.journal_id = 28 and i.is_uploaded = 1 order by v.volume_name+0 desc, i.title+0 desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Issue.php:298
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2068
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 1 and a.journal_id = 28 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2070
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 4 and a.journal_id = 28 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2071
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select pdf, html, epub, prc from `article_metrics` where `article_id` = 118334 limit 1
      • 0: 118334
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:744
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2091
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from content_by_diseases where content_id = 118334 and content_type = 'article' order by status desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:751
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2094
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `node_meta` where `nid` = 197036 limit 1
      • 0: 197036
      • 14. app/Models/Meta.php:30
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2101
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2108
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `tbl_ht_submission` as `h` where `h`.`subtitle` = 'CGT' and (h.proposal_closing_date = 0 OR TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(h.proposal_closing_date)) >= TO_DAYS(NOW())) order by `h`.`manuscript` asc
      • 0: CGT
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:2025
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2112
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '118334' and content_type = 'a' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2186
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '11200' and content_type = 'i' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2207
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '3245' and content_type = 'v' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2231
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 3245) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 3245) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 3245)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2272
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 11200) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 11200) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 11200)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2297
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 118334) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 118334) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 59235952 and j.to_ip >=59235952 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1740774769 and j.to_date >= 1740774769 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 118334)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2329
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `first_page` < '1' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 11200 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) desc limit 1
      • 0: 1
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1819
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2470
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `last_page` > '14' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 11200 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) asc limit 1
      • 0: 14
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1831
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2472
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `language_id` from `multilanguage` where `short_code` = 'cn'
      • 0: cn
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2486
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select `source_lang_label`, `target_lang_label` from `multilanguage_labels` where `target_lang_id` = 2
      • 0: 2
      • 13. app/Models/MultiLanguage.php:23
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2487
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `multilanguage_article` where (`language_id` = 2 and `article_id` = 118334)
      • 0: 2
      • 1: 118334
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2488
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select `keyword` from `multilanguage_keywords` where (`language_id` = 2 and `article_id` = 118334)
      • 0: 2
      • 1: 118334
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2489
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.last_name) as authors, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.last_name, ', ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.first_name) as authorsRIS, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.last_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.first_name) as authorsCiteAs , `au`.*, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.institution,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.department,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.address,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.postal_code,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.fax,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `author_affiliation`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.web_view,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `web_view` from `multilanguage_authors` as `au` left join `multilanguage_author_affiliation` as `af` on `au`.`id` = `af`.`author_id` where `au`.`article_id` = 118334 group by `au`.`id` order by `au`.`article_id` asc, `au`.`sequence` asc
      • 0: 118334
      • 13. app/Models/MultiLangAuthor.php:30
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2493
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `multilanguage_journal`.`title` from `multilanguage_journal` where `multilanguage_journal`.`journal_id` = 28 and `language_id` = 2
      • 0: 28
      • 1: 2
      • 13. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2495
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select `id` from `multilanguage_article` where `article_id` = 118334 limit 1
      • 0: 118334
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2506
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 28 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1740774770 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1740774770 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 28
      • 3: 1740774770
      • 4: 1740774770
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 28 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1740774770 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1740774770 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 28
      • 3: 1740774770
      • 4: 1740774770
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select count(*) as aggregate from `uc_cart_products` where cart_id='2e41a55b0395c1caaea3ea3c1e4ee051'
      • 15. app/Models/Cart.php:271
      • 16. view::layouts._header:291
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
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