Review Article

Lipid-based Nanocarriers Loaded with Taxanes for the Management of Breast Cancer: Promises and Challenges

Author(s): Nishtha Chaurawal, Charu Misra and Kaisar Raza*

Volume 23, Issue 6, 2022

Published on: 24 August, 2021

Page: [544 - 558] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/1389450122666210824144304

Price: $65


Breast cancer is the leading cause of deaths worldwide among women. Taxanes (most propitious class of diterpenes) have shown dynamic potentials in the treatment of early and metastatic breast cancer. However, challenges like poor bioavailability, low tissue-permeability, compromised aqueous solubility, and dose-dependent side-effects limit the clinical applications of these drugs. Henceforth, to overcome these challenges, various nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems are being explored for the delivery of taxanes in the management of breast cancer. One such promising nanocarrier category is lipid-based nanocarriers, which employ the meritorious features of a variety of lipids, both of natural and synthetic origin. It is also known that lipid uptake plays a significant role in breast cancer cells proliferation and tumor genesis. However, lipid-based nanocarriers could be a great choice to nanoencapsulate the poorly soluble and permeable taxanes for breast cancer management. These systems have an immense promise of bioavailability enhancement, spatial and temporal taxane delivery, improved efficacy, reduced dosing frequency, and even mild inhibition of the P-gp efflux mechanism. Apart from these promises, these carriers are not yet available for the benefit of the end-user. The present review will not only discuss the merits, progress, and promises of these systems but also ponder upon the various challenges faced by these carriers to reach the clinics for the benefit of the patients afflicted with breast cancer.

Keywords: Bioavailability, sustain release, novel drug delivery systems, drug release cytotoxicity, lipid-based nanocarriers, breast cancer cells.

Graphical Abstract

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