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Current Neuropharmacology


ISSN (Print): 1570-159X
ISSN (Online): 1875-6190

Review Article

The Potential Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 in the Progression and Therapy of Central Nervous System Diseases

Author(s): Hongxiu Chen, Di Ma, Feixue Yue, Yajie Qi, Manman Dou, Liuping Cui and Yingqi Xing*

Volume 20, Issue 9, 2022

Published on: 30 March, 2022

Page: [1651 - 1666] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1570159X19666210729123137

Price: $65


Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a heterodimer protein composed of an oxygenregulated functional subunit, HIF-1α, and a structural subunit, HIF-1β, belonging to the basic helixloop- helix family. Strict regulation of HIF-1 protein stability and subsequent transcriptional activity involves various molecular interactions and is primarily controlled by post-transcriptional modifications. Hypoxia, owing to impaired cerebral blood flow, has been implicated in a range of central nervous system (CNS) diseases by exerting a deleterious effect on brain function. As a master oxygen- sensitive transcription regulator, HIF-1 is responsible for upregulating a wide spectrum of target genes involved in glucose metabolism, angiogenesis, and erythropoiesis to generate the adaptive response to avoid, or at least minimize, hypoxic brain injury. However, prolonged, severe oxygen deprivation may directly contribute to the role-conversion of HIF-1, namely, from neuroprotection to the promotion of cell death. Currently, an increasing number of studies support the fact HIF-1 is involved in a variety of CNS-related diseases, such as intracranial atherosclerosis, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. This review article chiefly focuses on the effect of HIF-1 on the pathogenesis and mechanism of progression of numerous CNS-related disorders by mediating the expression of various downstream genes and extensive biological functional events and presents robust evidence that HIF-1 may represent a potential therapeutic target for CNS-related diseases.

Keywords: Hypoxia-inducible factor-1, central nervous system, neuroprotection, apoptosis, angiogenesis, erythropoiesis, inflammation.

Graphical Abstract

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