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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Tree Nuts and Peanuts as a Source of Natural Antioxidants in our Daily Diet

Author(s): Ryszard Amarowicz* and Ronald B. Pegg

Volume 26, Issue 16, 2020

Page: [1898 - 1916] Pages: 19

DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666200318125620

Price: $65

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Tree nuts and peanuts are healthy foods with a proven track record of helping to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease. At the point of consumption, all nuts contain low moisture and ≥ 50% lipid contents, but this is where similarities end. The levels of key nutrients and bioactives including vitamin C, vitamin E, L-arginine, minerals (such as selenium and zinc), and phenolics can differ markedly. Distinctions in the types and quantities of phenolic constituents for tree nut species, as well as the impact of digestion, will affect the nuts’ antioxidant potential in vivo. This work provides some insight into the different types of phenolics found in tree nuts and peanuts, the antioxidant potential of their phenolic extracts using in vitro chemical assays, the effect of thermal processing on the stability of the nuts’ endogenous phenolics, and the impact on biomarkers of human health arising from randomized clinical trials. Key biomarkers include measures in the reduction of LDL oxidation as well as increases in the levels of vitamin E and selected phenolic compounds in blood plasma postprandially from those of baseline.

Keywords: Nuts, phenolics, tocopherols, carotenoids, vitamin C, antioxidant activity, LDL oxidation, in vitro studies, in vivo studies, heat process.

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