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Micro and Nanosystems


ISSN (Print): 1876-4029
ISSN (Online): 1876-4037

Research Article

Novel Self-Pipelining Approach for Speed-Power Efficient Reliable Binary Multiplication

Author(s): Aloke Saha*, Rahul Pal and Jayanta Ghosh

Volume 12, Issue 3, 2020

Page: [149 - 158] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1876402911666190916155445


Background: The present study explores a novel self-pipelining strategy that can enhance speed-power efficiency as well as the reliability of a binary multiplier as compared to state-of-art register and wavepipelining.

Method: Proper synchronization with efficient clocking between the subsequent self-pipelining stages has been assured to design a self-pipelined multiplier. Each self-pipelining stage consists of self-latching leaf cells that are designed, optimized and evaluated by TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technology with 1.8V supply rail and at 25°C temperature. The T-Spice transient response and simulated results for the designed circuits are presented. The proposed idea has been applied to design 4-b×4-b self-pipelined Wallace- tree multiplier. The multiplier was validated for all possible test patterns and the transient response was evaluated. The circuit performance in terms of propagation delay, average power and Power-Delay- Product (PDP) is recorded. Next, the decomposition logic is applied to design a higher-order multiplier (i.e., 8-bit×8-bit and 16-bit×16-bit) based on the proposed strategy using 4-bit×4-bit self-pipelined multiplier. The designed multiplier was also validated through extensive TSpice simulation for all the required test patterns using W-Edit and the evaluated performance is presented. All the designs, optimizations and evaluations performed are based on BSIM3 device parameter of TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technology with 1.8V supply rail at 25°C temperature using S-Edit of Tanner EDA.

Results: The reliability was investigated of the proposed 4-b×4-b multiplier in the temperature range - 40°C to 100°C for maximum PDP variation.

Conclusion: A benchmarking analysis in terms of speed-power performance with recent competitive design reveals preeminence of the proposed technique.

Keywords: Decomposition logic, Power-Delay-Product (PDP), reliability, self-latching, self-pipelining, parallel multiplier.

Graphical Abstract

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