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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

General Research Article

Optimal Privacy Preserving Technique Over Big Data Analytics Using Oppositional Fruit Fly Algorithm

Author(s): Ajmeera Kiran* and Vasumathi Devara

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020

Page: [283 - 295] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/2213275911666181119113913

Price: $65


Background: Big data analytics is the process of utilizing a collection of data accompanied on the internet to store and retrieve anywhere and at any time. Big data is not simply a data but it involves the data generated by variety of gadgets or devices or applications.

Objective: When massive volume of data is stored, there is a possibility for malevolent attacks on the searching data are stored in the server because of under privileged privacy preserving approaches. These traditional methods result in many drawbacks due to various attacks on sensitive information. Hence, to enhance the privacy preserving for sensitive information stored in the database, the proposed method makes use of efficient methods.

Methods: In this manuscript, an optimal privacy preserving over big data using Hadoop and mapreduce framework is proposed. Initially, the input data is grouped by modified fuzzy c means clustering algorithm. Then we are performing a map reduce framework. And then the clustered data is fed to the mapper; in mapper the privacy of input data is done by convolution process. To validate the privacy of input data the recommended technique utilizes the optimal artificial neural network. Here, oppositional fruit fly algorithm is used to enhancing the neural networks.

Results: The routine of the suggested system is assessed by means of clustering accuracy, error value, memory, and time. The experimentation is performed by KDD dataset.

Conclusion: A result shows that our proposed system has maximum accuracy and attains the effective convolution process to improve privacy preserving.

Keywords: Privacy preserving, fuzzy c means, artificial neural network, fruit fly, convolution process, algorithm.

Graphical Abstract

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