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Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1568-0266
ISSN (Online): 1873-4294

Review Article

Multi-targeting Andrographolide and its Natural Analogs as Potential Therapeutic Agents

Author(s): V. Kishore, Nagendra Sastry Yarla, Anupam Bishayee, Swathi Putta, Ramarao Malla, Nageswara Rao Reddy Neelapu, Surekha Challa, Subhasish Das, Yallappa Shiralgi, Gurumurthy Hegde and Bhadrapura Lakkappa Dhananjaya

Volume 17, Issue 8, 2017

Page: [845 - 857] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1568026616666160927150452

Price: $65


Andrographis paniculata (A. paniculata) is a medicinal plant used in the Indian and Chinese traditional medicinal systems for its various beneficial properties of therapeutics. This is due to the presence of a diterpene lactone called ‘andrographolide’. Several biological activities like antiinflammatory, antitumour, anti-hyperglycaemic, anti-fertility, antiviral, cardio protective and hepatoprotective properties are attributed to andrographolide and its natural analogs. The studies have shown that not only this diterpene lactone (andrographolide), but also other related terpenoid analogs from A. paniculata could be exploited for disease prevention due to their structural similarity with diverse pharmacological activities. Several scientific groups are trying to unveil the underlying mechanisms involved in these biological actions brough aout by andrographolide and its analogs. This review aims at giving an overview on the therapeutical and/or pharmacological activities of andrographolide and its derivatives and also exemplify the underlying mechanisms involved.

Keywords: Andrographis paniculata, Terpenoid, Andrographolide, Pharmacological activities.

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