Introduction: Polymer matrix composites have been utilized in various industries due to their low cost and good strength-to-weight ratios. AIM: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of filament-wound fiber-reinforced polymer composite pipes. The focus is on aluminized fabric tubes, which are flexible and heat-resistant tubes made from a glass fabric and laminated with a layer of aluminum.
Method: These tubes offer unique properties that make them suitable for various applications, especially in environments with high temperatures or exposure to radiant heat. Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipes are highlighted for their lightweight, easy transportation, low maintenance, corrosion resistance, design flexibility, and anti-freezing performance. The study delves into the use of aluminized glass fiber for high-temperature applications, with a specific focus on enhancing high-temperature withstanding properties.
Result: In addition, the present research also conducts tests to study the structural strength of normal glass fabric tubes and aluminized glass fabric tubes. The fabrication of composite pipes is achieved through a filament winding process with a zero-degree winding angle using a manually operated filament winding machine. Mechanical testing and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations using ANSYS® are also performed to compare glass fiber-reinforced plastic pipes with hybrid aluminized fiber-reinforced plastic pipes.
Conclusion: The application of aluminized glass fiber in both the internal and external layers of the pipes improves the pipe’s strength and ability to endure high temperatures.