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Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews


ISSN (Print): 2666-0822
ISSN (Online): 2666-0830

Review Article

Auto-aggressive Behavior as a Medical and Social Problem of Our Time: Definitions, Concepts, and Retrospective of Research by Russian Authors, Narrative Review

In Press, (this is not the final "Version of Record"). Available online 15 August, 2023
Author(s): Evgeny Darin*
Published on: 15 August, 2023

DOI: 10.2174/2666082219666230418090309

Price: $95


The study of autoaggression is one of the main areas of research work in psychiatry, suicidology, and psychology. Suicidal behavior remains one of the most dangerous forms of autoaggressive behavior. In recent years, both in Russia, and around the world, there has been an increased interest in the problem of non-suicidal injuries. This review aims to analyze, summarize, and present definitions of autoaggression, suicidal behavior, and self-harm that are relevant among Russian authors, as well as present long-term results of dissertation research by Russian authors on this topic. A non-systematic narrative review is presented. In the first section, a search was made for Russian-language, and English-language sources in the databases:, PubMed, and the “google scholar” search system. Articles were searched by keywords: Self-Injurious Behavior Suicide Suicidal Ideation Suicide, Attempted, autoaggression, self-harm, and adolescents. In the second section, a search and analysis of dissertation research by Russian authors from 2000 to 2020 are carried out using the database of the Russian State Library. On this topic, a total of 86 papers were found, of which 66 theses directly study these issues, 8 theses have information on this topic in the results and conclusions, and 12 theses were excluded from the results as not relevant. The story is arranged in chronological order from oldest to newest. Abstracts of dissertations are used for citation. The behavior of an autoaggressive nature, self-injurious behavior, and non-suicidal self-harm is currently a phenomenon that is widespread among adolescents. Currently, NSSI is an urgent problem of mental health among adolescents.

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