Background and Objective: The functionalities of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are growing in various areas, so to handle the energy consumption of the network in an efficient manner is a challenging task. The sensor nodes in the WSN are equipped with limited battery power, therefore there is a need to utilize the sensor power in an efficient way. The clustering of nodes in the network is one of the ways to handle the limited energy of nodes to enhance the lifetime of the network for its longer working without failure.
Methods: The proposed approach is based on forming a cluster of various sensor nodes and then selecting a sensor as a Cluster Head (CH). The heterogeneous sensor nodes are used in the proposed approach in which sensors are provided with different energy levels. The selection of an efficient node as CH can help in enhancing the network's lifetime. The threshold function and random function are used to select the cluster head among various sensors for selecting the efficient node as CH. Various performance parameters such as network lifespan, packets transferred to the Base Station (BS) and energy consumption are used to perform the comparison between the proposed technique and previous approaches.
Results and Discussion: To validate the working of the proposed technique, the simulation is performed in MATLAB simulator. The proposed approach has enhanced the lifetime of the network as compared to the existing approaches. The proposed algorithm is compared with various existing techniques to measure its performance and effectiveness. The sensor nodes are randomly deployed in a 100m*100m area.
Conclusion: The simulation results showed that the proposed technique had enhanced the lifespan of the network by utilizing the node’s energy in an efficient manner and reduced the consumption of energy for better network performance.
Keywords: Heterogeneous clustering, WSN, sensor, energy efficiency, routing, clusture head.
Graphical Abstract
[http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s120811113] [PMID: 23112649]