This review covers recent developments in the area of partially reduced 2-benzazepines, particularly synthesis and their main applications. The first chapter discusses the principal routes (ring-closure methods with formation of C-N or C-C bonds as well as ring expansion methods) to obtain these heterocycles. The second chapter covers total syntheses of the alkaloids galanthamine, lycoramine, narwedine and clavicipitic acid which all contain the 2-benzazepine core structure. At the end of the chapter, approaches to the homoberbine and ribasine skeleton are given. Additional information is provided for synthesis of medicinally important 8,9-dichloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro- 1H-2-benzazepine.
Keywords: 2- Benzazepines, alkaloids galanthamine, Tetrahydrobenzazepines, acetylcholinesterase, intramolecular nucleophilic substitution, Friedel-Crafts intramolecular acylation, Pictet-Spengler, antiaggregatory, photochemical cyclisation, Clavicipitic acids