Continuous Publication

Continuous Publication

In 2021, Bentham Science moved a few journals to a Continuous Publishing Model, which means that an article will be published online as soon as it is finalized without waiting for an entire journal issue to be completed, resulting in a consistent stream of timely, high-quality content.

Our researchers, readers and students will thus be able to access and cite articles much more quickly as our print timetable will no longer be a limitation.

The following Bentham Science journals have been converted to continuous publication. These are:


Posting papers as soon as they are finalized has several advantages. The readers will get access to articles faster, and they will therefore draw an increased number of citations which will have a positive impact on the journal’s impact factor.

In Continuous Publication, the article that is made available online is the fully formatted final version, with complete references, and it is available in PDF format.


A unique article identifier is used instead of page numbers to cite an article within a volume. This identifier can be found on every article page.

All accepted articles will be published in an issue as soon as they are finalized in the continuous publication model. Instead of consecutive pagination of articles, each article will have internal pagination beginning at page 1.

Furthermore, each article will have a unique Article ID number that will appear on every page of the article and will replace the page numbers in the citation line. As a result, as soon as the publication process is completed, all papers will have their full and final citation information available.

A citation to an article in the continuous publication format would appear as:

Nataly Guzmán-Herrera, Viridiana C. Pérez-Nájera and Luis A. Salazar-Olivo,“Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin: A Common Player for Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease”, Current Diabetes Reviews 2021; 17(5) : e121020186817.

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