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Current Social Sciences

Volume 2 , 2024

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About The Section

Urban Studies

Publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Urban Studies.

The section Urban Studies of the journal Current Social Sciences publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-edited thematicissues on various topics related to urban studies.

This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but instead is devoted to a wide range of sub-fields. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

· Promoting health in urban environments by monitoring and improving air quality in cities

· Smart cities and resilient environments, including cyber-physical systems, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence applications

·  Sustainable cities related to urban energy, water, transportation, and other areas of research, such as energy-efficiency, low/zero carbon, green buildings/communities, and smart transportation system and infrastructure

· Urban climate change mitigation and adaptation

· Urban policy and decision-making for running and management of urban systems

· Urban social aspects and their impacts, such as urban mobility, social behavior monitoring, analysis and change

· Urban design/planning, operation system, economics, etc.

· Urban landscaping and its environmental impact

· Other urban studies

Section Editor-in-Chief css_eic_Wang-us_001 Wang Wei School of Architecture Southeast University Nanjing China

Wei Wang, received his Ph.D. degree from the City University of Hong Kong. Currently, he is an associate professor in the School of Architecture, Southeast University, China. His research interests include the optimization of the urban building energy system and energy planning, low-carbon urban planning, urban big data and urban vitality. He is the editorial board member of Current Social Sciences.

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Co-Section Editor-in-Chief(s) css_eic_Momcilovic_001 Momcilovic Ana P. College of Engineering and Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy University College Dublin Dublin Ireland Orcid Scopus RsearcherId Editorial Board Member(s) css_eic_Georgiadis-us-sa_001 Georgiadis Teodoro Institute for the BioEconomy National Research Council Rome Italy

Dr. Teodoro Georgiadis is a senior scientist at the Institute for Bioeconomy of the National Research Council, Degrees in Physics, Astronomy, Urban and Environmental Planning, Civil and Environmental Engineering, he was Professor of Atmospheric Physics and Environmental Methodologies, University of Sassari, and Laboratory of Atmospheric Measurements, University of Bologna. He deals with meteo-climatology of the urban and rural environment focused on population wellness and adaptation actions. He was a member of the Presidential Council of the Italian Federation of Earth Sciences and President of the Commission for the dissemination of scientific culture. He is a member of the IUGG Capacity Building and Education Committee, a member of several qualified Ministerial Expert Registers and an expert reviewer for EU programs. He is a vice-chair of the EU Marie Curie programme.

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css_eic_Rui-Jing-ab_001 Jing Rui College of Energy Xiamen University Xiamen China

Dr. Rui Jing is Associate Professor in the College of Energy, Xiamen University. His research mainly focuses on urban energy decarbonization including multi-energy system modelling and optimization, climate resilience energy systems, demand- side management, and energy-related nexus research. He is involved in many huge research projects funded by NSFC, CAS, and EPSRC. He also has consultancy experience in enterprise energy management projects and providing policy-making support for the government. So far, he has authored/co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, book chapters and proceedings with citations of 1000 and an H-index of 15.

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css_eic_Punziano-us-sa_001 Punziano Gabriella Department of Social Sciences University of Naples Federico II Naples Italy

Gabriella Punziano, PhD in Sociology and Social Research is a Professor of Sociology and Methodology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II where she teaches New data and new methods for communication analysis and Mixed Methods in the digital scenario. Her research interests include: the methodology of social research, the new analytical frontiers and the challenges introduced by new data, mixed and integrated and digital perspectives; social policies and welfare regimes in relation to social inclusion, territorial cohesion and community integration; the analysis of public, institutional and political communication phenomena through innovative content analysis techniques; risk communication analysis on social and digital platforms; socioeconomic effects, individual behavior, risk governance, communication of science, and the role of expertise in the Covid-19 era.

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css_eic_Rocio-Yniguez_001 Yñiguez Rocío Department of Economic Analysis and Political Economy University of Seville Seville Spain

Dr. Rocío Yñiguez is bachelor in Economics (University of Seville, 1989), bachelor in law (UNED, 2002) and Ph.D (University of Seville, 2001). She is an Associate Professor of the University (since 2013) teaching in undergraduate, master and doctorate studies. She began her career with the University of Seville as a part-time professor in 1993. Dr. Yñiguez has published 20 scientific articles in indexed journals, most of them are Q1. Articles are mainly focused on the fields of Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, and innovation teaching. She has co-authored 4 book chapters with well indexed editorial. In the field of research, belongs to the research group of Economic Theory and Political Economy of the University of Seville. Dr. Yñiguez is a board member and Chair of Economics of Energy and Environment of the University of Seville-Red Eléctrica de España.

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