About The Section
Computer Science
Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to computer science in China, while contributions from abroad are also welcome.
The Computer Science section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to computer science.
This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following computer science areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:
• Artificial intelligence• Computational theory and mathematics
• Computer graphics and computer-aided design
• Computer networks and communications
• Computer science applications
• Computer vision and pattern recognition
• General computer science
• Hardware and software
• Human-computer interaction
• Information systems
• Others
Jun Ye is a professor at the Ningbo University, P.R. China. He has more than 30 years of expe- rience in teaching and research. His research interests include soft computing, neutrosophic theory and applications, fuzzy decision making theory and methods, intelligent control, robotics, pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, fault diagnosis, and rock mechanics. He has published more than 260 papers in various journals, written a few books related to his research work, and finished a few pro- jects sponsored by the government of P.R. China. He is the editorial board member of “Current Chi- nese Computer Science Journal” (Co-Editor in Chief), “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” (Editor), “Journal of New Theory” (Area Editor), and “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence” (Area Editor). He was selected as “Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers” in 2019.
叶军现为宁波大学土木与环境工程学院特聘教授、岩石力学研究 所副所长。2015年至目前兼任印度巴拉蒂尔大学(Bharathiar University)、巴基斯坦国际伊斯兰大学(International Islamic University)博士学位考试团成员;2020年以来担任土 耳其安卡拉大学(Ankara University)博士生导师(现带博士 生1人)。目前主要研究方向为中智理论与应用、软计算、模糊 决策理论与方法、机器人智能控制、模式识别与故障诊断、智能 医学诊断、岩石力学与工程建模。在国内外发表学术论文260余 篇,其中,SCI/SSCI/EI收录论文共计171篇(其中SCI/SSCI收录 论文121篇,EI收录论文50篇,进入ESI高被引用论文11篇,进入 Web of Science 数据库总引频次5560余次、h-index 论文40篇 );获得国家发明专利10余项。叶军建立的“欠驱动多指节机器 人手的运动分析与设计方法”、“复合正交神经网络与控制”与 “工程中智理论与应用为主要原创性贡献”。现担任国际期刊《Current Chinese Computer Science》主编,8家国际期刊编委/编辑。2019年荣获浙江省留联会“最美留学 报国之星”称号。依据斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队2018年发布的全球高被 引学者排行榜中,叶军教授在全球10万科学家中排名为17030位,其中,全球人工智能科学 家排名第248位,中国人工智能科学家排名第18位。叶军教授入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2019 中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单(计算机科学)。现担任国际中 智科学学会(NSIA)中国分会副理事长。
Ying Tan is a full professor at Peking University, director of Computational Intelligence Laboratory at Peking University, and the inventor of Fireworks Algorithm (FWA). He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IASEI Transactions on Swarm Intelligence, and International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (IJCIPR), the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (CYB), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System (NNLS), International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), etc. His research interests include computational intelligence, swarm intelligence, deep neural networks, machine learning, data mining, intelligent information processing for information security and financial prediction, etc. He has published more than 340+ papers in refereed journals and conferences in these areas and authored/co-authored 12 books, including “Fireworks Algorithm” by Springer-Nature in 2015
Jia-Bao Liu is currently a Professor at the School of Mathematics and Physics, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China. He received the B.S. degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Wanxi University, Anhui, China, in 2005, and the M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree in mathematics and applied mathematics from Anhui University, Anhui, China, in 2009 and 2016, respectively. From September 2013 to July 2014, he was a Visiting Researcher at the School of Mathematics, Southeast University, China. In March 2017, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Mathematics, Southeast University, China. He is the author or coauthor of more than 200 journal papers and two edited books. He is the guest editor of Journal of Chemistry and the guest editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience and the guest editor of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.His current research interests include graph theory and its applications, fractional calculus theory, neural networks, and complex dynamical networks. Dr. Liu is a Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt-Math.
Mohamed Abdel-Basset received his B.Sc. and M.Sc from Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt. He received his Ph.D from Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Menoufia University, Egypt. Currently, Mohamed is Associate Professor at Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt. His current research interests are Optimization, Operations Research, Data Mining, Computational Intelligence, Applied Statistics, Decision support systems, Robust Optimization, Engineering Optimization, Multi-objective Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks. He is working on the application of multi-objective and robust meta-heuristic optimization techniques. He is also an Editor/reviewer in different international journals and conferences. He holds the program chair in many conferences in the fields of decision-making analysis, big data, optimization, complexity and internet of things, as well as editorial collaboration in some journals of high impact.
S. A. Edalatpanah received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. He is currently working as the chief of R&D at the Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Iran. He is also an academic member of Guilan University and the Islamic Azad University of Iran. His fields of interest are uncertainty, fuzzy mathematics, numerical linear algebra, soft computing, and optimization. He has published over 100 journal and conference proceedings papers in the above research areas. He serves on the editorial boards of several international journals. He is also the Director-in-Charge of the Journal of Fuzzy Extension & Applications (JFEA) at: http://www.journal-fea.com/.
Chi-Hua Chen is a distinguished professor with the College of Mathematics and Computer Science at Fuzhou University and a chair professor with the Navigation College at Dalian Maritime University. He has published over 300 journal articles (e.g., IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, etc.), conference articles, and patents. He serves an editor for several international journals (e.g., IEEE Access, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Scientific Reports (Nature), Scientific Data (Nature), etc.). His recent research interests include Internet of things, machine learning, mobile networks, and intelligent transportation systems. He is a senior member of IEEE.
Dr. Ming Liu is an Assistant Research Fellow at the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (known as CNCERT/CC), Beijing, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2018 from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in the field of Computer Software and Theory. His current research interests mainly focus on Multi-agent System, Cybernetics, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Control and Decision for various applications. He also serves as reviewer member of 2 IEEE Transactions series journals.
Dr. Javad Rezaeian is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Mazandaran University of Science and Technology. His research interests include Soft Computing, Artificial Neural Network and Optimization. He was awarded prominent author by Iranian student book festival in 2015 and also was awarded Top Researcher by Research Center of Mazandaran Universities in 2017. He has published more than 100 papers and several books.
Abdulkadir Sengur received the B.Sc. in electronics and computers education from the Firat University, Turkey, in 1999, and M.Sc. in electronics education, from the same university in 2003, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, from the same university in 2006. He became a Research Assistant in the technical education faculty of Firat University in February 2001. He is currently a Professor in the Technology Faculty of Firat University. His research interests include signal processing, image segmentation, pattern recognition, medical image processing, and computer vision.
Dr. Reza is a professor of physics at the department of Physics, Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Shahid Beheshti University. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Sharif University of Technology in 2005. He has done several projects and published many papers in the fields of social & financial networks and time series analysis. His research focuses on a system with a large number of interacting agents, whose aggregate behavior is nonlinear and data-driven approaches to study and infer the complex interaction network of the system agents, neglecting the cause and consequences of the macroscopic collective behavior of systems. He is interested in understanding and modeling modern society with respect to culture, market, business, and management with the tools of different disciplines; the Internet, especially social media, for playing a crucial role in interdisciplinary research.
Dr. Shouzhen Zeng is a professor in Ningbo University, P.R. China. He has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research. His research interests include information fusion, soft computing, Neutrosophic theory and applications, fuzzy decision making theory and methods, etc. He has finished a few projects sponsored by the government of P.R. China, and published more than 100 papers in many journals, such as Information Sciences, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Group decision and Negotiation, Knowledge-Based Systems.
Dr. Liangxiao Jiang is currently a professor at the School of Computer Science of China University of Geosciences. His main research interests include machine learning and data mining and has also published more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences in these research areas. He also serves as the EB/PC Member of several international journals and conferences.
Dr. Wenan Tan is the head of key academic discipline at CS&T of SSPU and also a Professor at NUAA and SSPU. He completed his PhD at BUAA in 2001 which received a Ph.D degree from Beihang University, China. He has taken charge over three Projects of the NSF-China on Service Computing and Cooperative Computing for BPI, the trusted service computing for cross-organizational workflow application systems, and the cross-organizational business process mining within complex social networks. He was awarded the third prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award in 2019. He has also published more than 150 scientific papers on Applied Soft Computing Journal, IEEE-SJ, IEEE-TSMC, ISF, COR, CiI, etc.
Dr. Sunil Kumar Jha received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from the VBS Purvanchal University, India, in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University, India, in 2012. From 2012 to 2015, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Kyushu University, Japan, and Hanyang University, Korea. From 2015 to 2016, he worked as Assistant Professor at University of Information Technology and Management, Poland. Since 2017, he has been an Associate Professor at School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. His research interests include chemo- informatics, nano‐informatics, agro-informatics, and health informatics, etc.
Professor NIDAL H. ABU-HAMDEH received his PhD degree from Ohio State University with the honor degree, Columbus-Ohio, USA in 1996. Currently, he is serving as a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. During his integrated experience, he has authored/co-authored hundreds of scientific articles that were published in ISI journals and as conference papers that cover these topics. In addition, he has been a Reviewer for numerous international journals and conferences. For this reason, he is very highly qualified scientist and known internationally. He was awarded the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Engineering Sciences for Young Arab Researchers, and he also was awarded the Hisham Hijawi Award for Applied Sciences in the Field of Engineering.
Dr. Wu Deng (M’76), received the PH.D. degree in Computer Application Technology from Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China, in 2012. From 2019 to now, he was a Professor with the College of Electronic Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin China. His research interest includes artificial intelligence, optimization method, resource scheduling and fault diagnosis.
Dr Fuyuan Xiao received the D.E. degree in Computer Science and Communication Engineering from Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, in 2014. Since 2014, she has been with the School of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing, China, as an Associate Professor. Her current research interests include information fusion, intelligent information processing, complex event processing, and quantum decision. She has published over 40 papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including Information Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE T SYST MAN CY-S, Applied Soft Computing, etc. Dr Xiao also serves as a Reviewer in several prominent journals.
Dr Zhiyuan Shen is an Associate Professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a Vice Director of Department of Air Traffic at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He holds a certificate of aeronautic information and a certificate of flight procedure design both authorized by CAAC. His research interests include air traffic management, airport operation and optimization, digital signal processing and deep learning. He has published more than 30 papers, hold a few patents, and hosted several projects sponsored by the government of P.R. China, Boeing (China), air traffic management bureau CAAC and so on.
Dr, Zhang Ying-Qian, Ph.D, is a full professor, at the Tan Kah Kee college in Xiamen University. His research area includes information security, AI arts and chaotic encryptions. He was awarded the New Century Talent Scientist in Fujian Province, China. He published more than 40 papers, 4 ESI highly cited papers.
Dr Yo-Ping Huang received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Director of AIoT R&D Center, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, where he served as the Secretary-General. He was a Professor and the Dean of Research and Development, the Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the Department Chair with Tatung University, Taipei. His current research interests include fuzzy systems design and modelling, deep learning modelling, intelligent control, medical data mining, and rehabilitation systems design. Prof. Huang serves as the IEEE SMCS BoG, Chair of the IEEE SMCS Technical Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the Chair of the Taiwan SIGSPATIAL ACM Chapter. He was the President of the Taiwan Association of Systems Science and Engineering, the Chair of IEEE SMCS Taipei Chapter, the Chair of the IEEE CIS Taipei Chapter, and the CEO of the Joint Commission of Technological and Vocational College Admission Committee, Taiwan. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IET Fellow and an International Association of Grey System and Uncertain Analysis Fellow.
Zhikui Chen received his Bachelor of Science degree from Chongqing Normal University in June 1990, master's degree in engineering from Chongqing University in June 1993, doctor's degree in engineering from Chongqing University in June 1998. Now, he is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Dalian University of technology. He is the Director of Institute of big data, School of software, Dalian University of Technology. His research interests include Big data computing, Artificial intelligence, Theory and application of Internet of things, Social network computing, Ubiquitous computing and Intelligent system. He published more than 100 scientific research papers, 4 books and more than 20 patents on above research fields.
Dr Peng is currently a lecturer at Shaoguan University, China. He received his MS degree in computer science from Northwest Normal University, China. He has authored over 40 publications and some of them are SCI-indexed publications and has also served as reviewer in some famous journals. His current research interests include decision making, pattern recognition and soft computing.
Shuai Liu, male, was born in Oct.27 1982. He received his BS, MS and PhD from Jilin University in 2002, 2004, and 2011. Now he acts as a full professor in College of Information Science and Technology, and Vice director of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Language Information Processing, Hunan Normal University. He is now Director of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Hohhot branch, Senior member of China Computer Federation, Evaluation expert of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education, Evaluation Expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China. His research area contains fractals analysis, big data processing, computer vision, and information processing.
Mustafa BAYRAM obtained his PhD degree (Applied mathematics and Computer Sciences) from Bath University (England) in 1993, and He is a full professor of computer engineering at Istanbul Gelisim University. He was previously dean of the faculty of engineering and architecture at Istanbul Gelis ̧im University between 2016-2018. Now, he is director of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences at Istanbul Gelisim University. He was already served as dean of the faculty of chemical and metallurgical engineering at Yildiz Technical University between 2010-2014. He organizes at least two or three international conferences each year, one of them has been going on for 9 years. His research interests include computer algebra, application of algebra techniques to various subjects, applied mathematics, solutions of differential equations, enzyme kinetics and mathematical biology. He raised many masters(30) and Ph.D. students(18) and is the author of many efficient research articles at prestigious research journals. He is the chief and founder editor of new trends in mathematical sciences and Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications journals. He also serves as an editor and reviewer for many outstanding journals.
Prof. Dr. Shuping Wan was born in 1974. He received the PH. D. in control theory and control engineer from Nankai University in 2005, China. He is currently a professor in School of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. He has contributed more than 190 journal articles to professional journals. His current research interests include decision analysis, fuzzy game theory, information fusion, and financial engineering. Email: shupingwan@163.com.
Dr. Surapati Pramanik received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Applied Mathematics from Kalyani University, Kalyani, West Bengal, India, in 1994 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur in 2010. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor Nandalal Ghosh B.T. College, Panpur, India. His research interests include Operations research, soft computing, optimization, game theory, fuzzy and neutrosophic MCDM. He acts as a reviewer for more than thirty international peer-reviewed journals. He acts as a member of the editorial board of several international peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Hai Dong is a faculty member at School of Science in RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He is the coordinator of Sensors, Clouds, and Services Laboratory (SCSLab), the coordinator of Smart Sensing and Services Group, and the leader of Trust Management Stream in Cyberspace and Security Group. He published a monograph and over 80 research publications in international journals and conferences, including CACM, CCPE, Computing, FGCS, JCSS, JNCA, KBS, TIE, TII, TSC, WWWJ, FUZZ-IEEE, ICONIP, ICSOC, ICWS, WISE, etc. He received the Best Research Paper Award in ICSOC 2016.
Jianshe Wu received his Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligence system in 2007 from the Xidian University, Xi’an, China. He currently works as a Professor at the International Research Center for Intelligent Perception and Computation, the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China, School of Artificial Intelligence (SAI), Xidian University, China. His main research interests lie in the areas of complex networks, machine learning, computational intelligence, and pattern recognition.
Dr. Balakrushna Tripathy received M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Tech (Computer Science), and Ph.D. (Mathematics). Currently, he is the Senior Professor and Dean at the School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He has specialized in Matrix Transformations in Sequence Spaces, Theory of Petri nets, Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Rough set Theory and Knowledge Engineering, Multiset Theory and its Applications, List Theory and Applications, Social Networks Analysis, Granular Computing, Soft Computing, Data Clustering Techniques, and Database Anonymisation, Experimentation through Remote Laboratories, Content-Based Learning, Knowledge Representation, and Reasoning, Soft Set Theory and Applications, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Deep Neural Networks, Pattern Analysis, Outlier Detection, Computer Science and Mathematics. He has published more than 100 articles, books and conference papers in various well-reputed journals. Besides, he is an editorial board member in several international journals.
Prof. Dagan Feng is a Director at the Biomedical & Multimedia Information Technology (BMIT) Research Group, and a Funding Head at the School of Information Technology (renamed as Computer Science recently), the University of Sydney. He received his ME in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1982, MSc in Biocybernetics and PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1985 and 1988 respectively, where he received the Crump Prize for Excellence in Medical Engineering. In conjunction with his team members and students, he has been responsible for more than 50 key research projects, published over 900 scholarly research papers, pioneered several new research directions, and made several landmark contributions in his field.
Huan Wang is an associate professor in the College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University. His research focuses on social network analysis, social privacy protection, and intelligent transportation system. Since 2014, he has authored or co-authored over 20 refereed journal and conference papers, such as the IEEE TKDE, ACM TWEB, ACM TKDD, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TNSE, Information Sciences, and WWW Journal.
Dr. Taha Bakhshpoori earned the B.Sc. in civil engineering from Department of Engineering, University of Guilan (2009), M.Sc. (2011) and Ph.D. (2015) both in structural engineering from Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology. He has served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Engineering, University of Guilan, since December 2015. His research interests include, Artificial Intelligence and Applications to Civil Engineering Problems, Meta-heuristic Modeling and Optimization, Multi Objective Optimization, Structural optimization, Reliability, Robust, and Risk Based Design Optimization, and Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection.
Dr. Basit Raza received his Master degree in computer science from the University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from International Islamic University Islamabad and University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia in 2014. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad, Pakistan. His research interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, medical imaging and data science. Dr. Raza has authored several papers in refereed journals and conferences and has been serving as a reviewer for prestigious journals, such as Applied Soft Computing, Swarm Intelligence, Applied Intelligence, IEEE Access and Future Generation Computer Systems.
Dr. En-Bing Lin is Professor of Mathematics at Central Michigan University, USA. He is a former mathematics department chair at the University of Toledo and Central Michigan University. He has taught and visited at several institutions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the University of California-Riverside, the University of Toledo, UCLA, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. He received his Ph. D. in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include Data Analysis, Image Processing, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Wavelet Analysis and its Applications. He has served on several academic committees of regional and national associations. He has organized several special sessions at regional IEEE conference and American Mathematical Society national and regional meetings.
Dr. Vanlin Sathya is currently a postdoc research scholar at the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief in EAI Endorsed Transaction on Mobile Communications and Applications (MCA). He authored more than 60 IEEE and ACM publications. His novel research ideas generated considerable interest in an industry-led IEEE 802.11 coexistence workshop and ETSI standards. His recent research interests lie in design, analysis, and implementation of wireless network algorithms and particularly interested in 5G NR-U/LAA Wi-Fi Coexistence in 5GHz & 6GHz unlicensed spectrum, 5G mmWave Technologies, Device-to-Device (D2D) networking, Interference Management in 5G NR network, Internet of Things (IoT), LTE Wi-Fi Aggregation (LWA), Handover and Placement of Femto (small cells) in LTE, Full Duplex in 5G cellular communication, Data offloading, Bandwidth aggregation and routing between Wi-Fi and cellular, M2M congestion and scheduling issues. Dr. Vanlin Sathya serves as TPC and Session Chair in ICNC, ICBTA, ICSNC, CECNET, SPCOM, NCC, and COMSNET. He is also a review board member in different international journals.
Professor. Zhenguo Gao is a Professor at Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China. He is also the Dean of Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and Machine Learning (Huaqiao University), Fujian Province University. He has been a visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Michigan in 2010 and 2011, respectively. He received his BS and MS degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Architecture from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2006. His research interests include wireless ad hoc network, cognitive radio network, etc.
Huan Wang is an associate professor in the College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University. His research focuses on social network analysis, social privacy protection, and intelligent transportation system. Since 2014, he has authored or co-authored over 20 refereed journal and conference papers, such as the IEEE TKDE, ACM TWEB, ACM TKDD, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TNSE, Information Sciences, and WWW Journal.
Prof. Mohamad Awad earned his PhD in 2008 from the University of Rennes 1, France in Telecommunication and Signal processing. He has been working for the National Council for Scientific Research since January 1996 starting as a Research Assistant, and later promoted to Research Director. He has many published research papers, and book chapters in GIS, Remote Sensing, Computer Science, Oceanography, Image processing, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Management. Prof. Awad is a member of many international organizations such as IEEE, and GRSS. He has obtained several awards and grants such as Fulbright research grant, LAAS Award for Career Excellence in Science 2016, and Publons Awards for the best reviewers in the years of 2018 and 2019.
Dr. Said Broumi was born in Casablanca, Morocco in 1978. He received his PHD from University Hassan II - Casablanca. He received his M.Sc. in Industrial Automatic from Hassan II University Ainchok- Casablanca. His search major field is on neutrosophic graph theory, soft set theory, fuzzy theory, intuitionistic fuzzy theory, neutrosophic theory, neutrosophic soft set theory and neutrosophic decision making problem, networking. He has published over 200 articles.
Dr Hui Cui is currently working as a Lecturer at the Discipline of Information Technology, Mathematics and Statistics, Murdoch University, Australia. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Wollongong (UoW), NSW, Australia. He has published more than 20 articles and has presented several conference abstracts in well-reputed journals.
Lotfi Saidi, Ph.D., Senior member IEEE, received a doctorate degree in electrical engineering, from the University of Tunis, ENSIT. He is a member of the research group in Signal Image and Energy Mastery laboratory (SIME) at the University of Tunis, and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Brest, IRDL Laboratory in Brest, France, and served as an Associate Professor at the University of Sousse (ESSTHS). His research interests include prognosis and health management (PHM) for electro-mechanical systems, based on advanced digital signal processing tools and pattern-recognition techniques.
Dr. WU ZHENYONG is currently an Associate Professor in Guangxi University, Nanning, China. He received the Ph.D. degrees from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2014. His current research interests include Industrial informatization, Knowledge engineering, Digital Twin, Logistics simulation and optimization. He is the author of over 30 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He was also invited as the reviewer of around 10 journals/conferences like IJPR, CERA, JCMSE, ITD, COMIND, IEEE Access, JoS, JoCD, APJOR. etc.
Mingwen Zheng received the B.S. degree in School of Science from Shandong University of Technology in 2002, the M.S. degree in School of Computer and Communication Engineering from China University of Petroleum in 2009, and the PhD degree in School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, in 2018.At present, he is an associate professor in School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University of Technology in 2018. he has published more than20 SCI papers and acted as reviewer of CNSNS, IEEE Access, TCB, and other journals. His current research interests include complex dynamical network, memristiveneural network, nonlinear dynamics, stability, synchronization control,compressive sensing, etc.
Liyun Fan is currently a Professor at the College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University. He holds a PhD degree in Power Machinery and Engineering from the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. His research interests include Engine Simulation, Computing Science, Modeling and design of Power System. He has won several awards such as: ‘Key Technology and Application of Marine Diesel/LNG Dual Fuel Power System’, 2019 National Technology Invention Award, ‘Electronic Control Fuel Injection Technology of Diesel Engine’, Second-Class Award of Invention Awarded by Science and Technology Department of Heilongjiang Province, 2014 and so on. Dr Fan has published several articles in well-reputed journals.
Dr. Zeljko Stevic is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Doboj, University of East Sarajevo. He received a PhD in Transport and Traffic Engineering from University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences 2018. His research interests include logistics; supply chain management; transport; traffic engineering; multi-criteria decision making problems; rough set theory; sustainability; fuzzy set theory, neutrosophic set theory. He has published over 110 papers from the area of his interest. He has contributed outstanding research in the mentioned fields. In all his researches he has provided a very good application studies and practical contributed solving different problems in transportation, logistics, supply chain management, traffic engineering, etc.Dr. Stević has authored/co-authored of papers published in refereed International Journals including Applied Soft Computing, Neural Computing and Applications, Sustainability, Symmetry, Engineering Economics, Soft Computing, Transport, Scientometrics, Information, ECECSR, Technical gazette, SIC, Mathematics (MDPI), and other.
Xuewen Xia received a PhD degree in Computer Software and Theory from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2009. He was a lecturer with the Hubei Engineering University, Xiaogan, China in 2009. In 2012, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. In 2014, he was an Associate Professor with the School of Software, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China. Currently, he is a Professor at the College of Physics and Information Engineering, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, China. His current research interests include the areas of computational intelligence techniques and their applications.
Dr. XINGBANG YANG is currently a Postdoctoral Associate with the Biomechatronics Group, MIT Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. He received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2010 and 2015, respectively. His current research interests include bioinspired robotics, lower limb prosthetics, assistive robotics, soft robotics, and biomechanics. He is the author of over 30 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and the inventor of more than 10 patented inventions. His academic achievements were ever reported by medias such as Science News, MIT Technology Review, IEEE spectrum, China Youth Daily, etc. He was also invited as the reviewer of around 20 journals/conferences like J. Royal Soc. Interface, J. Field Robot., Mech. Mach. Theory, J. Biomech, ICRA, etc.
Section: Computer Science
Impact and Protection of GNSS Interference: Resilient Positioning in Next Generation Satellite-Based Railway Train Control
Volume: 1, Issue: 6
Pp: 559-573
Author: Jiang Liu*, Bai-Gen Cai, Jian Wang and De-Biao Lu
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666210922143141
Published on: 22 September, 2021
Effectiveness of a Lockdown Policy During a Global Pandemic
Volume: 1, Issue: 4
Pp: 406-428
Author: Yung Chin Shih*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666210302102725
Published on: 02 March, 2021
High-Performance Computing for Density Matrix Renormalization Group
Volume: 3, Issue: 3
Pp: 178-186
Author: Yingqi Tian* and Haibo Ma
DOI: 10.2174/2210298103666221125162959
Published on: 29 December, 2022
Application of Watermarking Technology based on Deep Learning in Face Recognition
Volume: 2, Issue: 6
Pp: 425-433
Author: Dehui Wang, Jinfu Liu, Yingqian Zhang*, Nian Zhang* and Xingyuan Wang
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220411113929
Published on: 19 August, 2022
Online Customer Behavior: An Analysis of the Effects of Cognitive and Affective Trust
Volume: 2, Issue: 6
Pp: 434-449
Author: Reza Alizadeh Foroutan, Mahmoud Gholami Sarokolaei and Javad Rezaeian*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220829121101
Published on: 19 September, 2022
Selection of Sustainable Suppliers Using the Fuzzy MARCOS Method
Volume: 1, Issue: 2
Pp: 218-229
Author: Adis Puška, Željko Stević* and Ilija Stojanović
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999201109214028
Published on: 09 November, 2020
Collaborative Scheduling of Algorithms for Path Planning of Unmanned Systems
Volume: 1, Issue: 3
Pp: 317-331
Author: Ying Li, Chubing Guo, Jianshe Wu*, Xin Zhang, Jian Gao, Kai Zhang and Yuqian Wang
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666210211094253
Published on: 10 February, 2021
Multi-objective Optimization of High-speed Solenoid Valve for Biodiesel Electronic Unit Pump
Volume: 2, Issue: 1
Pp: 38-47
Author: Yuanqi Gu, Liyun Fan*, Jianyu Zhang and Yun Bai
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666211209112854
Published on: 23 December, 2021
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