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Current Chinese Science

(Continued as Current Science, Engineering and Technology)

Volume 5 , Issues 4, 2025

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About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to biomechanics.

The Biomechanics section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to biomechanics.

This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following biomechanics areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

• Biofluid mechanics
• Bioinspired spinning process
• Biomechanical modeling
• Biomechanical strategies
• Biomechanics and tissue engineering
• Biomimetic materials
• Cardiovascular biomechanics
• Cell biomechanics
• Comparative biomechanics
• Computational biomechanics
• Dental biomechanics
• Injury biomechanics
• Molecular biomechanics
• Neuromuscular biomechanics
• Orthopedic biomechanics
• Plant biomechanics
• Rehabilitation biomechanics
• Respiratory biomechanics
• Sports biomechanics
• Others

Section Editor-in-Chief(s) biomech_Ji-Huan-He-sh_001 He Ji-Huan Soochow University Suzhou China

Ji-Huan He is an expert on nonlinear science, nanotechnology, surface chemistry and biomechanics, he is the owner of some famous analytical methods, such as the semi-inverse method, the variational iteration method, the homotopy perturbation method, the exp-function method, and He’s frequency formulation. The coupled method of the homotopy perturbation method and Laplace transform is called as He-Laplace method in literature. Dr. He is also the owner of the bubble electrospinning, which is the potential technology for mass-production of various functional nanofibers. The macromolecular electrospinning proposed by Ji-Huan He and his student can well control the macromolecular orientation in a nanofiber. His geometric potential theory can explain well many boundary-induced phenomena, e.g., super-hydrophobicity and selective absorption. His two-scale thermodynamics and two scale mathematics (fractal calculus) view any a phenomenon in two different scales, in a large scale the continuum assumption works, while in a smaller scale, saying a molecule size, discontinuous phenomena occur, and the fractal calculus has to be adopted. He has published more than 400 articles with an h-index of 67, and he has been listed as a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics and Elsevier for many years, and was also one of the World's Hottest Researchers.

何吉欢是非线性科学、纳米技术、表面化学和生物力学方面的专家,提出了半反推法、变分迭代法、同伦摄动法、exp函数法等著名的解析方法和频率公式。同伦摄动法与拉普拉斯变换的耦合方法在文献中称为He-Laplace方法。何博士还是提出了气泡静电纺丝新方法,可以制备各种功能纳米纤维。何吉欢和他的学生提出的大分子静电纺丝方法可以很好地控制纳米纤维中大分子的取向。他的几何势理论可以很好地解释许多边界诱发的现象,如超疏水性和选择性吸收。他提出的双尺度热力学和双尺度数学(分形微积分)用不同的尺度来分析同一物理问题,大尺度下可以得到连续介质力学的基本规律,而在小尺度上,连续假设不再成立,可以分形微积分来描述必须被采用。他发表了400多篇的文章,H-index达67。多年来一直被科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)列为高度引用的研究人员,也是全球最热门的研究人员之一。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Editorial Board Members biomech_Shijie-li_001 Li Shijie Institute of Innovation & Application Zhejiang Ocean University Zhoushan China

Dr. Shijie Li is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Aquaculture wastewater treatment team at Zhejiang Ocean University, China. He completed his PhD from Donghua University in 2014. He received a "Zhejiang Province Leading Talent" in 2020. His research interests include Nanophotonic, functional nanomaterials, and environmental remediation. He has more than 80 publications and has received a number of awards.

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biomech_yanqiong-f_001 Yanqiong F. Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China

Dr. Yanqiong Fei received the M. Eng. Degree from the Southeast University, China, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from the Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, in 2002. She is currently a Professor at the Research Institute of Robotics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. From Sept. 2010 to Sept. 2011, she was a visiting scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT. Her research interests include robotics, self- reconfigurable modular robots, soft robots, rehabilitation robotics. She published over 100 papers, 3 books’ chapters, 25 patents in these areas. She received the Shanghai scientific and technological progress second prize in 2009. She also received the Best Paper Awards of M2VIP (2012) and Candlelight Award Scheme(2016). She received 863 high technology project advanced group awards in 2000. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Y-Liu-sh_001 Liu Y. Tiangong University Tianjin China

Dr. Yong Liu is currently a professor at Tiangong University, China. He has received his PhD degree in 2008 from Donghua University, Shanghai, China. His research interests focus on nanofibers and their applications, electrospinning, advanced fiber materials, membrane, bionics, biomaterials. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers, conference proceedings. He has also published 4 books withco-authors and holds 20 Chinese patents. Recently, Dr. Liu works in characterizing, understanding and modeling structural, physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials and their processes. He has received over 10 research fundings from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Education of China,the Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Foundation, and several companies. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_zj-Liu-as_001 Liu Z-J. University of Washington Seattle, WA USA Scopus RsearcherId biomech_G-Li-sh_001 Li G. Soochow University Suzhou China

Prof. GangLi is currently a full professor at Soochow University, China. Dr. Li is the 15th high level talent of “Top six talent peaks” and selected talent of “Double Creative Plan" in Jiangsu province. Dr. Li received his MEng. from Donghua University, and obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical textiles and Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to his current academic position, Dr. Li has been served at DuPont China Holding Co., Ltd. for several years. Dr. Li published over 80 academic articles and issued 20 patents between 2006 and 2019, including Biomaterials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, etc. Dr. Li presented talks,organized symposia and workshops at various international scientific conferences, etc. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Shuqiang-Wang_001 Wang Shuqiang Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Shenzhen China

Shuqiang Wang received his Ph.D degree from City University of Hong Kong. He was a research scientist of Huawei Technologies Noah's Ark Lab (2012-2013). He held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Hong Kong from 2013 until 2014. He is currently a Professor with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Science. His current research interests include machine learning, medical image computing, Brain informatics and optimization theory. He has published more than 90 SCI/EI papers and more than 30 patents. Orcid Scopus
biomech_wan-y-as_001 Wan Y. University of British Columbia Vancouver BC Canada

Dr.Yuqin Wan is a Research Scientist at the University of British Columbia with more than 15 years experience in the field of fibrous materials. She received her PhD degree from Donghua University, China and completed her postdoctoral work in the University of British Columbia during 2007-2010. She has contributed more than 50 papers/chapters in the area of functional fibers, electrospinning and composite fabrics. Her research work has been founded by many organizations such as the Canadian National Science and Engineering Council, the Canadian Composite Innovation centre, the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Canadian national particle Accelerator Center, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University and the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, DongHua University. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_w-wei-as_001 Wei W. Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an China

Dr Wei Wei is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and the Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an, China. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, CCF. He received his PhD and M.S. degrees from Xian Jiaotong University in 2011 and 2005, respectively. His research interest is in the area of wireless networks, wireless sensor networks application, image processing, mobile computing, distributed computing, and pervasive computing, internet of things, sensor data clouds, etc. He has published around one hundred research papers in international conferences and journals. He is an Editorial Board Member of FGCS, IEEE Access, AHSWN, IEICE, KSII, etc. Besides, he is a TPC member of many conferences and a regular reviewer of IEEE TPDS, TIP, TMC, TWC, JNCA and many other Elsevier journals. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Q-Wei-sh_001 Wei Q. Jiangnan University Wuxi China

Dr. Qufu Wei is a professor of Textile Science and Engineering in the School of Textiles and Clothing at Jiangnan University. He earned his Ph.D. in Textiles Science and Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in the UK. He has authored two books, which have been published by Woodhead Publishing. He has also authored more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles. He has 57 patent applications or issued. He is a recipient of the 2006 Award for New Century Excellent Talents in Universities from the Chinese Ministry of Education. He currently serves as Director of the Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles within the Ministry of Education of P.R. China at Jiangnan University. He is also Director of the International Joint Laboratory for Functional Textile Materials. He was an Area Editor of Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_D-G-Yu-sh_001 Yu D-G. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai China

Dr Deng-Guang Yu is a professor in the School of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. His research interests include electrohydrodynamic atomization (electrospinning, Electrospraying and e-jet printing), biomaterials, advanced drug delivery systems, and environment friendly materials. He has developed a series of new electrospinning processes for creating nanostructures from multiple working fluids. Dr Yu has authored over 210 peer- reviewed journal papers and has been awarded several national competitive research grants. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Associate Editorial Board Members biomech_liu-ab_001 Liu Zhi Anhui Polytechnic University Wuhu China

Dr. Zhi Liu is currently a professor at Anhui Polytechnic University. He received his PhD degree in Textile Materials and Textile Design from Soochow University in 2017. He studied in the School of Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from 2015 to 2017. He has been responsible for more than 10 research programs including National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC), etc. He has published more than 30 SCI articles. His research interests focus on nanofiber fabrication and its application in water treatment, protein separation, medicine/food concentration and composites, functional fiber/textile fabric construction and applications, bio-based porous materials construction and applications.

biomech_zhang-j-as_001 Zhang J. East China Jiaotong University Nanchang China

Dr. Jingjing Zhang is an Associate Professor at the school of science, East China Jiaotong University. She received her Ph. D. from the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. In 2012-2013, Dr. Jingjing Zhang worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University. Her research interest includes computational geometric mechanics, numerical analysis, numerical mathematics and nonlinear science. Dr. Zhang has authored/co-authored over 20 academic papers in the area of computational mathematics, computational physics and engineering. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_li-x-as_001 Li X. Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Xi’an China

Dr. Xuejuan Li graduated in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2012. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the school of Science, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China. She has been awarded several research grants, including a National Natural Science Foundation of China Project. She has published several referred papers including Multi-scale modeling and computation, CFD, Numerical methods for PDEs, Neurocomputing. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_w-fan-as_001 Fan W. Xi'an Polytechnic University Xi’an China

Dr. Wei Fan graduated in textile science and engineering from the University of Tianjin Polytechnic University, China. With the only exception of one postdoctoral stay in USA (University of North Texas) he has spent his entire career at the Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China, where he is now an Associate Professor and the Assistant of Dean in the School of Textile Science and Engineering. His work has been mainly focused on the structures and properties of textile composites, preparation and properties of flexible and smart wearable and recycling of waste textiles. He has published over 30 papers in refereed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Y-Shen-sh_001 Shen Y. Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Xi’an China

Dr. Yue Shen has graduated from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019, and now is a lecturer at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. Her interest covers mainly in numerical solution of partial differential equation, especially PDE-constrained Optimization and adaptive finite element method. She has published several articles in reputed journals. Scopus RsearcherId

Section: Biomechanics

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